Finding Availability Dates for .tech, .fi, .io, and More

Started by lincon, Jun 07, 2023, 07:16 AM

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linconTopic starter

I have a particular interest in niche TLDs and ccTLDs such as .tech, .fi, .io, .vc, .technology, and so on. However, my challenge is that determining the exact date when these domains will be available for registration has proven difficult.

The issue arises because these domains may have varying GracePeriod or PendingDelete Periods, which can differ across registrars, or a registrar may extend the period for some reason. There may also be other reasons why these domains could have different periods before dropping.

Unfortunately, this lack of standardization means that finding availability dates is not as straightforward as it is for .com domains. While I have tried various solutions, they all seem to present some challenges:

- or only provide expiration dates, whereas I need availability dates – the day when the domain will expire and become available for registration.
- does offer dates, but for niche TLDs and ccTLDs, these are often marked with "Date can't be determined correctly."
- DynaDot sometimes provides dates, but these can also be erroneous. In fact, I am currently in a situation where DynaDo shows that an interesting domain will be available tomorrow, while doesn't list it and support says that the domain will be available in April. Additionally, I suspect that some domains are not even listed on backorder sites.

Given this situation, I am left with checking whether a specific domain is available for daily registration or back-ordering. Is there any other method I could use beyond that and hoping for the best?


While you have already explored some options like,, and, it seems that they do not provide the specific information you require.

In such cases, it can be helpful to monitor multiple sources and platforms to increase your chances of finding the availability date. This could include registrar websites, domain marketplaces, forums, and even social media communities dedicated to domain trading or specific TLDs.

Some additional methods you could try are:

1. Subscribe to newsletters or mailing lists: Some registrars or domain-related websites may offer newsletters or mailing lists where they announce upcoming releases or drops of specific TLDs. By subscribing to these, you may receive timely updates on the availability of your desired domains.

2. Follow domain auction and backordering platforms: Platforms like, SnapNames, or DropCatch often provide information about upcoming expiring domains or auctions. Monitoring these platforms might give you insights into when a domain will become available.

3. Engage with domain trading communities: Participating in domain trading communities, forums, or social media groups can provide you with access to valuable information shared by experienced domain investors. These communities often discuss upcoming drops or release dates, helping you stay informed.

4. Contact registrars or support: If you come across conflicting information or uncertainty regarding a specific domain, reaching out directly to the registrar's customer support may be worth a try. They might have more accurate information regarding the availability date or any potential delays.

By combining these methods and staying persistent, you may increase your chances of finding the availability dates of niche TLDs and ccTLDs. Always remember to thoroughly research and validate any information you find before making any investment decisions. Good luck with your domain hunting!