Anti-DDoS protection

Started by siyajoshi, Jul 07, 2022, 11:14 PM

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siyajoshiTopic starter

Are there any techniques available to handle DDoS assaults? Despite its high processing capability, the server is vulnerable to DDoS because of the resource-intensive engine and extensive data (vBulletin) it employs.


The approach for combating DDoS attacks depends on various factors such as the type of attack, server capacity and the operating system used. Here are some possible methods to defend against such attacks:
1. Avoiding any confrontation or communication with the hackers.
2. Adjusting all services (mysql, apache, nginx, etc.)
3. Installing an Nginx front-end.
4. Fine-tuning the sysctl parameters.
5. Setting limits within Nginx.
6. Closing all unnecessary ports and only allowing the necessary ones through the firewall.
7. Employing dynamic rules in the firewall that activate based on the number of connections.
8. Utilizing an Nginx log analyzer to block subsequent attempts from known attackers.
9. Disabling unnecessary traffic, like UDP traffic, on the upstream.
10. Employing a more powerful server.
11. Increasing available ports for incoming traffic.
12. Implementing a proxy machine.
13. Creating a cloud of proxy machines.
14. Combining different security hardware to strengthen protection.


One effective way to counter DDoS attacks is to reduce the potential attack surface. By minimizing the possible points of entry for attackers, it is easier to focus on neutralizing them.
This can be achieved by utilizing content distribution networks (CDNs), load balancers, and firewalls to limit direct Internet traffic to specific parts of an infrastructure such as database servers. Access to applications or resources should only be granted for intended ports, protocols, and applications.

When preparing for large-scale DDoS attacks, there are two critical components to consider: transit potential (or bandwidth) and server performance. It is crucial to ensure that the hosting provider offers abundant Internet connection bandwidth for handling high levels of traffic.
Placing resources near large traffic exchange nodes can also provide fast access to applications. Server performance can be increased through the use of specialized computing resources or improved network configuration, allowing for the ability to quickly scale up or down. Load balancers can also prevent overloading of any one resource.

To safeguard against atypical traffic, security measures can be taken to analyze individual packets and determine if they are allowed. To use these tools effectively, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of typical traffic and compare each packet against this standard.
By monitoring traffic and setting speed limits, it is possible to determine the maximum amount of traffic a host can handle before its availability is impacted.


there are several techniques available to handle DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks. Some common approaches include:

1. Traffic Filtering: Implementing traffic filtering techniques, such as rate limiting or traffic pattern analysis, to identify and drop malicious traffic during an attack.

2. Load Balancing: Distributing incoming traffic across multiple servers using load balancers can help mitigate DDoS attacks by spreading the load and preventing a single point of failure.

3. Content Delivery Network (CDN): Utilizing a CDN can help absorb and distribute traffic, reducing the impact of a DDoS attack on the origin server.

4. Redundancy and Failover: Designing systems with redundancy and failover mechanisms can help maintain service availability during a DDoS attack. This involves having backup servers that can take over if the primary server becomes overwhelmed.

5. Cloud-Based Security Services: Partnering with cloud-based security providers that offer DDoS mitigation services can be an effective solution. These services have specialized infrastructure and techniques to filter out malicious traffic before it reaches the target server.

6. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS): Deploying IDPS software or hardware can help detect and prevent DDoS attacks in real-time by analyzing network traffic and identifying suspicious patterns or anomalies.

7. SYN Cookies: Implementing SYN cookies can help protect against SYN flood attacks, which are a common type of DDoS attack. SYN cookies make it difficult for attackers to exhaust server resources by overwhelming the TCP handshake process.

8. Traffic Scrubbing: Some DDoS mitigation services provide traffic scrubbing capabilities. This involves diverting incoming traffic through specialized scrubbing centers that analyze and filter out malicious traffic before forwarding the clean traffic to the server.

9. Application-Layer Rate Limiting: By setting rate limits on different types of requests or API calls, you can restrict the amount of traffic that reaches resource-intensive application components, mitigating the impact of DDoS attacks that target specific application functionalities.

10. Incident Response and Mitigation Plan: Have a well-defined incident response plan in place. This plan should outline the steps to be taken during a DDoS attack, including communication protocols, escalation procedures, and coordination with DDoS mitigation service providers if applicable.

11. Rate-Limiting at the Network Level: Configure network devices, such as routers or firewalls, to limit the rate of incoming traffic from specific source IP addresses or subnets. This can help prevent a flood of malicious requests from overwhelming the server.

12. Geolocation Blocking: Block traffic from specific countries or regions known for originating DDoS attacks. This can be done by implementing IP geolocation blocking techniques.

13. Behavior-Based Analysis: Use behavior-based analysis tools to identify abnormal patterns in network traffic, such as sudden spikes in traffic volume or unusual connection patterns. By detecting deviations from normal behavior, you can proactively identify and mitigate potential DDoS attacks.

14. Application-Layer Firewalls: Deploy application-layer firewalls that can inspect and filter traffic based on specific application protocols and signatures. This can help identify and block malicious DDoS traffic before it reaches the server.

15. Advanced Threat Intelligence: Stay up-to-date with the latest DDoS attack trends, techniques, and indicators of compromise (IoCs). Utilize threat intelligence feeds and collaborate with industry experts to gain insights into emerging threats and implement appropriate countermeasures.

16. Regular Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and vulnerability assessments to identify and address any weaknesses or vulnerabilities in the server infrastructure that may make it more susceptible to DDoS attacks.