123-REG's Data Loss Puts Businesses at Risk Without Backups

Started by sasablogger, Oct 26, 2022, 02:08 AM

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sasabloggerTopic starter

British web hosting provider 123-REG suffered a major data loss on April 17, 2016 when a mistaken script was launched, causing all of their virtual servers to be deleted along with customers' data.

The incident came to light after complaints by InnMaster, which had used the services of 123-Reg. The hosting provider has advised customers who have retained backups to deploy their systems anew from saved copies, and promised to deal with each case individually.

This data loss has put many businesses at risk, as some did not have backups or plans for such a critical situation. The incident highlights the importance of regularly backing up data and having contingency plans in place.


If a company is active on the Internet, it likely has specialist staff. Conversely, businesses with only a basic website fit on a USB flash drive and can easily be re-uploaded to new hosting without significant loss. Claims of losses due to hosting outages are therefore either ridiculous or highlighting a lack of preparedness. In the former case, the claims expose the claims-makers as exaggerators, while in the latter case, they illustrate a dangerous over-reliance on optimism instead of taking necessary precautions.


The rise of technology and market competition has led to a decrease in service quality and costs, making preparation essential. Once-reliable expensive physical servers or VPS now face frequent issues, while cheap clouds are plagued by constant problems. As such, it's necessary to always be prepared, with frequent backups and a backup server always at hand or an automated scan ready. By being proactive and having contingency plans in place, businesses can mitigate risks and remain operational despite unexpected outages or performance issues.


The primary issue was that 123-REG did not have a proper backup system in place, which led to permanent data loss for many affected customers. This incident highlighted the importance of having reliable backup solutions and disaster recovery plans for businesses that rely on web hosting services. Without backups, companies are left vulnerable to unexpected data loss incidents like this one.

The incident served as a wake-up call for both 123-REG and its customers, shedding light on the potential risks associated with hosting critical data without proper safeguards. It emphasized the need for businesses to understand their hosting providers' backup policies and take necessary precautions to protect their data.

In response to the incident, 123-REG apologized and offered support to affected customers, including attempts to recover any lost data. They also implemented measures to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future, such as improvements to their backup systems and more rigorous testing procedures.

Ultimately, the incident with 123-REG serves as a reminder for businesses to prioritize data protection and regularly back up their important information. It highlights the importance of choosing a reliable hosting provider and understanding their backup policies to mitigate the risk of data loss.

In addition to the incident itself, there were several key takeaways from 123-REG's data loss incident:

1. Importance of backups: The incident highlighted the criticality of having robust backup systems in place. Businesses should ensure that their hosting providers have reliable backup mechanisms and regularly perform backups to protect against data loss.

2. Disaster recovery planning: This incident underscored the need for businesses to have a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place. It should include strategies to recover lost data and minimize downtime in the event of a data loss incident.

3. Vendor selection: It is essential for businesses to carefully choose their hosting providers. Evaluating their backup practices, infrastructure reliability, and security measures can help mitigate the risk of data loss.

4. Communication and support: 123-REG faced criticism for its communication and support during the incident. Businesses should prioritize service providers that offer clear and timely communication, as well as effective customer support in case of emergencies.

5. Responsibility for data protection: While hosting providers have a responsibility to safeguard data, businesses should also take ownership of their data's security. Regularly backing up data independently and implementing additional security measures can provide an extra layer of protection.

6. Lessons learned: Following the incident, 123-REG implemented improvements to prevent future data loss incidents. This demonstrates the importance of learning from mistakes and continuously enhancing systems and processes.

The incident occurred on April 16, 2016, when 123-REG was performing routine maintenance on its servers. During the process, an error occurred that led to the accidental deletion of numerous customer websites and their associated data.

It was reported that around 67 servers were affected, resulting in the loss of data for thousands of customers. This included website files, databases, email accounts, and other critical information.

123-REG faced significant backlash from affected businesses, many of whom relied on their websites for their day-to-day operations. The incident caused disruptions, financial losses, and damage to the affected companies' reputations.

In response, 123-REG issued an apology and took steps to rectify the situation. They offered support to affected customers and attempted to restore any lost data from their backups. However, not all data could be recovered, which led to further frustrations.

The incident raised questions about 123-REG's backup practices and disaster recovery capabilities. It was revealed that they did have some backup mechanisms in place, but they were not comprehensive enough to adequately protect against a large-scale data loss event.

Following the incident, 123-REG implemented improvements to their backup systems, infrastructure, and testing processes to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. They also emphasized the importance of customers having their own backups as an additional layer of protection.

The 123-REG data loss incident serves as a cautionary tale for businesses to carefully consider their hosting provider's backup policies and disaster recovery capabilities. It highlights the need for businesses to take data protection into their own hands by implementing independent backup strategies and regularly testing them.

By learning from this incident and taking proactive measures, businesses can better safeguard their data, mitigate risks, and minimize the potential impact of data loss incidents on their operations.