What's Happening to PHP?

Started by manas, Aug 05, 2023, 12:14 AM

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manasTopic starter

I frequently check job openings on hh and notice a decline in PHP positions. While there are still plenty available, I've observed a consistent increase of +50-100 new jobs for JavaScript and Python every month, whereas PHP has experienced approximately a 10% decrease over the past year.

On the other hand, Java continues to have a multitude of job opportunities, with no sign of decline.
Interestingly, I had a conversation with a programmer friend from the USA who shared that PHP is also losing popularity there.
What could be the reason behind this trend? Is PHP facing a fate similar to that of Ruby?


The decline in PHP positions and the increase in job opportunities for JavaScript and Python could be attributed to several factors. One possible reason is the growing demand for web development with more modern, dynamic, and versatile languages like JavaScript and Python. These languages offer a wide range of frameworks and libraries that make development easier and more efficient.

Moreover, JavaScript is essential for client-side web development and has gained popularity with the rise of front-end frameworks like React and Angular. Python, on the other hand, is renowned for its simplicity, readability, and versatility, making it popular for various applications such as data analysis, machine learning, and web development.

In contrast, PHP was historically popular for server-side web development, particularly with the widespread use of content management systems like WordPress. However, with the emergence of alternative languages and frameworks, some developers have shifted their focus towards these newer technologies.

It is worth noting that while PHP may be experiencing a decline in popularity, it does not necessarily mean it will face a fate similar to Ruby. Ruby's decline can be partly attributed to limitations in terms of performance and scalability, which affected its adoption for large-scale projects. PHP, on the other hand, still maintains a significant user base and has seen continued support and updates from its community.

factors that could contribute to the decline in PHP's popularity and the rise of other languages:

1. Language features and syntax: PHP, as a language, has been criticized for its inconsistent syntax and perceived complexity. Developers often find languages like JavaScript and Python to be more elegant and easier to learn and use.

2. Performance and scalability concerns: While PHP is capable of handling most web development tasks, it has been associated with performance and scalability issues in certain scenarios. This has led some developers to explore alternative languages that offer better performance or scalability for their specific needs.

3. Community and ecosystem: The availability of libraries, frameworks, and developer tools is crucial for any programming language's success. The JavaScript and Python communities have thrived, creating rich ecosystems with extensive resources, documentation, and active developer communities. These factors can attract developers and contribute to the popularity of these languages.

4. Industry trends and job market demand: The job market often reflects the demand for specific languages and technologies. As industries evolve and develop new technologies, job opportunities may shift accordingly. The increasing demand for JavaScript and Python could be driven by their relevance in areas like web development, data science, machine learning, and automation.

It's important to note that while PHP might be experiencing a decline, it still has a substantial user base and continues to be used for a wide range of projects, especially those involving content management systems and e-commerce platforms. Additionally, PHP frameworks like Laravel and Symfony have gained popularity and helped maintain PHP's relevance in the web development industry.


We were discussing the speed, convenience, and various other factors of working in php.

One person claimed that php is on its way to extinction. However, another programmer responded:
It has been "dying" for so long that they have even released a sarcastic "deathbed" version 7 by now (at the time of our discussion).

Now for my own opinion.
Php will never cease to exist, because there will always be two groups of individuals benefiting from it.
1. Those who want to quickly learn and earn money from it.
2. Those who wish to have a website developed swiftly and affordably.
These two groups will continue to generate a certain level of demand for this language.
Of course, this does not account for professional websites that are genuinely remarkable and deserving of attention, as well as for individuals who have invested a significant amount of time into mastering this language.


PHP is a timeless language, and its enduring popularity suggests that it will continue to thrive. If PHP were to fade away, other backend development languages would also suffer the same fate, unless a new contender emerges that surpasses PHP in simplicity, speed, and convenience. Currently, languages like Java, Python, and Ruby each have their own strengths and purposes. For instance, Python is often chosen for its seamless integration with neural networks. However, when considering broader criteria such as functionality and speed, most popular backend languages are fairly similar. The notion that job opportunities for PHP developers are declining is unfounded; in fact, statistics from 2018 show that both PHP and Java/Python have a significant number of vacancies, with the latter being used in various fields beyond backend development. Moreover, PHP outperformed JavaScript in the second graph, which represents the most popular field of development.

In the context of larger companies like Amazon and Google, Python is preferred due to its ease of integrating neural networks, while Java is favored for its robust support in handling high loads.
It's important to disregard armchair experts who have been prematurely predicting PHP's demise since the 2000s. Despite their claims, PHP has continued to thrive and adapt over the years.