How to redirect website from http to https?

Started by nick_sinigamy, Jun 27, 2022, 01:59 AM

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nick_sinigamyTopic starter

I bought an SSL certificate for my website, but I have multiple sites purchased through go daddy. Whenever I add an htaccess file to one site, the others stop working. I have tried contacting customer support multiple times, but the issue persists.
My website is functional on both http and https URLs. Can you suggest a solution?


To redirect http URLs to https, use the following code:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    Redirect /

<VirtualHost *:443>
    # ... SSL configuration should be added here

It's important to note that this code should be added to the main server configuration file instead of the .htaccess file as requested in the original question. This article may have been published after the question was asked and answered, but it appears to be the current best practice.
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By inserting the following code into your .htaccess file, visitors to your website will be automatically redirected to the HTTPS version:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]


To redirect a link from one webpage to another, add the following line to the .htaccess file:

Redirect 301/
In this example, "Redirect 301" indicates that the page has been permanently moved, and "" is the address of the page to which the redirection is taking place. By using a 301 redirect, the website's ranking on search engines will not be affected.

For redirection to another domain, use the following code:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?old-domain\.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

The RewriteCond sets the condition under which the rule specified in the RewriteRule is executed. In this case, when requesting any webpage from either or, the user will be redirected to the address


Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS
Redirect All Web Traffic. If you have existing code in your .htaccess, add the following: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]
Redirect Only a Specific Domain. ...
Redirect Only a Specific Folder.


By doing some changes in url setting we can redirect site from http to https software development company


I can suggest a few general steps to troubleshoot this problem:

1. Check htaccess file syntax: Ensure that the htaccess file you added to your website has the correct syntax and does not contain any errors that may be causing conflicts with other websites.

2. Separate htaccess files: Instead of using a single htaccess file for all your websites, consider creating separate htaccess files for each site. This could help isolate any conflicts that may be occurring.

3. Verify SSL certificate installation: Double-check that your SSL certificate is installed correctly for all your websites. Ensure that the certificate is valid and properly configured in your server settings.

4. Check virtual host configurations: Verify that the virtual host configurations for all your websites are correctly set up in your server. Make sure that each website has its own unique configuration and is pointing to the correct document root.

5. Clear browser cache: Clear your browser cache and try accessing your websites again. Sometimes, cached information can cause conflicts or prevent proper loading of websites.

6. Seek professional help: If you have exhausted all available options and are still experiencing problems, it may be worth considering consulting with a professional web developer or system administrator who can analyze your specific setup and provide targeted solutions.

To redirect your website from HTTP to HTTPS, you can use the following methods:

1. Using a .htaccess file: Create or edit the .htaccess file in your website's root directory and add the following lines of code:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

This code snippet checks if the incoming request is not already using HTTPS, and if so, it redirects the request to the HTTPS version of the same URL.

2. Using server configuration: If you have access to your server configuration files (such as Apache or Nginx), you can add a redirect rule there.

For Apache, locate the `<VirtualHost>` section of your website's configuration file and add the following lines:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    Redirect permanent /

For Nginx, locate the server block for your website and add the following lines:

server {
    listen 80;
    return 301$request_uri;

3. Using a Content Management System (CMS) plugin: If you are using a CMS like WordPress, there are several plugins available that can handle the HTTP to HTTPS redirection for you. Popular plugins include "Really Simple SSL" and "SSL Insecure Content Fixer". Install and activate the plugin of your choice, and it should take care of the redirection.

4. Contact your hosting provider: Some hosting providers offer built-in tools or features to easily enable HTTPS redirection. Check with your hosting provider's documentation or support team to see if they offer any specific methods for redirecting HTTP to HTTPS.

5. Use a CDN or load balancer: If you are using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) or a load balancer, they may have options or settings to enforce HTTPS redirection. Check the documentation or configuration settings of your CDN or load balancer provider to see if such functionality is available.

6. WordPress-specific solutions: If you are using WordPress as your CMS, you can also try adding the following code to your website's wp-config.php file, just before the line that says `/* That's all, stop editing! Happy publishing. */`:
define('FORCE_SSL', true);
if ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] == 'http') {
    $_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
    $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] = 443;
This code explicitly enables SSL for WordPress and checks if the connection is made via HTTP, in which case it sets the appropriate server variables to force HTTPS.

7. Cloudflare flexible SSL: If you are using Cloudflare as a CDN or DNS provider, they offer a feature called "Flexible SSL" which allows you to enable HTTPS on your website without installing an SSL certificate on your server. You can enable this feature in your Cloudflare settings, and it will handle the redirection from HTTP to HTTPS automatically.

8. CMS-specific plugins or settings: Depending on the CMS you are using, there may be specific plugins or settings available to enforce HTTPS redirection. For example, Joomla has a built-in option in its Global Configuration settings to force SSL. Drupal has the "Secure Pages" module that can handle the redirection.

9. Third-party plugins or services: There are various third-party services and plugins available that specialize in handling HTTPS redirection. These services often provide easy setup and management of SSL certificates along with automatic redirection. Examples include Cloudflare's "Full SSL" option, Let's Encrypt's plugins for popular web servers, and ZeroSSL's SSL tools.

10. CMS-specific configuration files: Some CMSs have specific configuration files where you can set HTTPS redirection. For example, in WordPress, you can edit the wp-config.php file and add the following lines:
define('FORCE_SSL', true);
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
This forces both the front-end and WordPress admin areas to use HTTPS.

11. JavaScript or meta tag redirection: You can use JavaScript or meta tags to redirect visitors from HTTP to HTTPS. For example, you can add the following code to the `<head>` section of your HTML:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=">
Or you can use JavaScript to perform the redirect:
if (location.protocol !== 'https:') {
Remember to replace `` with your actual domain name.

12. Server-side scripting: If you have server-side scripting knowledge, you can implement HTTPS redirection using languages like PHP, Python, or Node.js. For instance, in PHP, you can add the following code at the top of your PHP files:
if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'on') {
    header("Location: https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

13. WordPress plugins: If you are using WordPress, there are several plugins available specifically designed to handle HTTPS redirection. Some popular options include "SSL Insecure Content Fixer," "Really Simple SSL," and "WP Force SSL." These plugins often provide easy setup and management of SSL certificates along with automatic redirection.

14. Web server configuration: You can configure your web server directly to handle the redirection. For Apache, you can create or modify the virtual host configuration file for your website and add the following lines:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    Redirect permanent /
For Nginx, you can add the following lines to your server block:
server {
    listen 80;
    return 301$request_uri;
Remember to replace `` with your actual domain name.

15. Plugin solutions for other CMS platforms: If you are using a different CMS platform, check if there are any specific plugins available for handling HTTPS redirection. For example, Joomla has the "SSL Redirect" plugin, and Drupal has the "Secure Pages" module. These plugins simplify the process of enforcing HTTPS on your website and handling redirection.

16. Website builder settings: If you are using a website builder platform such as Wix, Weebly, or Squarespace, there may be settings within the platform that allow you to enable HTTPS and handle the redirection. Check the documentation or support resources provided by the website builder to see if such options are available.

Remember that after implementing the redirection, it's important to thoroughly test your website to ensure that all pages and resources are loading correctly over HTTPS. Also, make sure to update any hardcoded references to HTTP within your website to avoid mixed content warnings.

rahul verma

Step 1 - Go to File Manager in the Control Panel.
Step 2 - Create an .htaccess file.
Step 3 - Edit the .htaccess file.
Step 4 - Paste in the configuration.
Step 5 - Done!