Full access to site

Started by minhtuyen19091, Oct 06, 2022, 04:01 AM

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minhtuyen19091Topic starter

To have complete access to a website and its database, what is required?
Assuming a WordPress platform, if I possess login credentials for the admin panel, why do I still feel incomplete?
Could it be because I lack access to the hosting, domain and web server with their corresponding usernames and passwords?

I'm feeling perplexed. Can you clarify for me what exact usernames and passwords are mandatory for complete access to a website?

Furthermore, I desire to oversee and manage the website's database effectively.


I agree with you. However, there is one crucial factor to consider - the hosting or server. Even if the domain is purchased from the webhosting provider, it can still be retained.

When one purchases a website, the hosting provider should provide access to both the In-panel and cPanel. The In-panel allows communication with technical support and displays information such as account balance. On the other hand, cPanel provides direct access to the database and related settings.

Another access point is through ftp, but this may differ depending on the hosting service. Therefore, it's essential to consult the hosting documentation and communicate with technical support for clarity.


I concur with Matrix's opinion. Moreover, it's crucial to limit the creation of administrative access to website management solely to employees of the company. Domain registration should also be under an employee's name, not an external assistant's.

To bolster security measures for accessing the site's administrative account, email, and social media accounts, complex passwords must be implemented, and they should be unique for each platform. If your current administrative password is weak, such as "12345678," please change it immediately.

Furthermore, it's highly recommended to update the software and components of the system manually on a routine basis. To facilitate unrestricted access to the file system via FTP, obtain hosting access from the database.

May you find success in your endeavors.


Accessing a website involves multiple layers of security, and having login credentials for the admin panel is just one piece of the puzzle.

In addition to the admin panel credentials, you are correct in identifying that access to the hosting, domain, and web server with their corresponding usernames and passwords is crucial for complete control over the website. Without this information, you may feel limited in your ability to make certain changes and configurations that are beyond the scope of the admin panel.

To provide a comprehensive overview, let's delve into the specific usernames and passwords that are essential for complete access:

1. Hosting Control Panel: Access to the hosting control panel, such as cPanel or Plesk, is vital for managing server settings, creating email accounts, viewing website statistics, and much more. The username and password for the hosting control panel are fundamental for carrying out various administrative tasks related to the server environment.

2. Domain Registrar Account: Having access to the domain registrar account allows you to manage domain settings, such as DNS records, domain renewal, and contact information. The username and password for the domain registrar account are critical for maintaining control over the domain associated with the website.

3. Web Server Credentials: If you require direct access to the web server, you would need the corresponding SSH (Secure Shell) or FTP (File Transfer Protocol) credentials. These credentials enable you to upload files, edit configuration settings, and perform advanced server-related tasks.

In terms of overseeing and managing the website's database effectively, you would need the database credentials, including the username and password for accessing the database management system (e.g., phpMyAdmin for MySQL databases). With these credentials, you can perform tasks such as querying the database, making schema modifications, and backing up or restoring data.

It's essential to emphasize the importance of safeguarding these credentials and exercising caution when sharing them, as they grant substantial control over the website's infrastructure. Additionally, implementing strong security measures, such as two-factor authentication and regular password updates, is crucial to protect against unauthorized access.