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How to Detect the Hidden Ad Flickering

Started by anetsires, Aug 29, 2024, 12:07 AM

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anetsiresTopic starter

On a HTML site with JS, I noticed an ad that wasn't mine. It doesn't show on the desktop version, but it keeps flickering on mobile. How can I locate this 'intruder'?


Let's get to the bottom of this, so you can kick this intruder off your site for good. Since it's not showing up on desktop, we're likely dealing with something either in the mobile-specific code, or it's being injected somehow when viewed on a mobile device.

Check your HTML and CSS: Go through your HTML code and see if there's any scripts or iframes that you don't recognize. Sometimes, sneaky ads can be embedded in hidden iframes. Look in the <head> section and around where you think the ad is showing up. Also, check your CSS for any display: none; properties that could be hiding an iframe or script on desktop but showing it on mobile.

Inspect Element (Mobile Version): Open up your site on a mobile browser. If you're using Chrome, you can use the DevTools and toggle the device toolbar to simulate a mobile device. Right-click on the ad (or where it's flickering) and select "Inspect". This should give you some insight into what element is causing the problem. Check the HTML that's related to that element.

Look for Suspicious JS Scripts: It could be that some JavaScript is injecting the ad into your site. This could be from an external script you've added, like a plugin or analytics tool, or maybe even from an ad network. Search through your JavaScript files for any suspicious URLs or code that might be pulling in content from an untrusted source.

Browser Extensions/Plugins: Sometimes, browser extensions or plugins can inject ads into sites. This is more common on desktop, but certain mobile browsers can have these issues too. Try loading the site in a private/incognito window to see if it still appears. If it's gone, then it might be something on your end.

Scan for Malware: It's possible that your site has been compromised and some malicious code is injecting ads. Run a security scan on your site. If you're using a CMS like WordPress, there are plugins that can help with this. If not, there are online tools or you can use server-side security software.

Ad Networks: If you're using any ad networks, one of them might be pushing ads that you don't want, especially on mobile. Check your ad settings to make sure that only the ads you've approved are being shown. Sometimes, these networks allow ads that are fine on desktop but get weird on mobile.

Disable Plugins/Extensions One by One: If you've got plugins running on your site, try disabling them one by one to see if the ad disappears. If it does, you've found your culprit.

Check your Mobile Redirects: Sometimes, mobile redirects can cause ads to appear that wouldn't on a desktop. Look at your .htaccess file or any redirect scripts you might be using to see if something's off.

Once you find the source, you can remove or block the ad. Make sure to clear your cache and test again on mobile to make sure it's really gone. If it's a script, make sure to delete it or, if needed, replace it with something you trust.


This here is an ad for a internet service provider. To keep it short - just hit up https.


You could actualy block them with CSP, but after years of dealing with it, especially due to Google ads, I finally gave up and moved everything to HTTPS.

It still handles ads pretty decently though, so that's a plus. Also, it's a nice boost for your site's security and SEO.


Detect hidden ad flickering by using a high-frame-rate camera to record the display, then review the footage in slow motion to identify any rapid changes or irregularities in brightness.


To detect hidden ad flickering, use browser developer tools to inspect page elements, monitor network activity, and check for rapidly changing ad scripts. Ad-blocking software can also help identify such behavior.


Detecting hidden ad flickering involves monitoring for rapid changes in ad visibility, which can indicate potential ad fraud or misleading practices. Start by using ad verification tools that track impressions and clicks. Additionally, implement scripts to capture user interactions and analyze behavior patterns. Regularly audit ad placements and review analytics data to identify unusual fluctuations in engagement. Collaborating with third-party monitoring services can also enhance detection capabilities.

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