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Cloudflare load

Started by matrice, Oct 07, 2022, 02:57 AM

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matriceTopic starter

Using nixstats service, I keep track of server load. It caught my attention that connecting the website to Cloudflare triggers an increase in network load.
Could you explain the underlying mechanism from a technical perspective? I'm curious about it despite the data presented in the statistics.
In theory, Cloudflare is expected to reduce traffic consumption and server load, but why is it otherwise?


Are we utilizing caching?
Have we enabled SSL/TLS Recommender?
It's possible that enabling Cloudflare makes the connection completely remote as opposed to a local one. Perhaps the caching and SSL options play a role in this distinction.


Akamai is a well-known and highly-regarded provider of CDN and cloud services with an estimated responsibility for up to 30 percent of global web traffic.
Its multifaceted services include top-notch protection against DDoS attacks and other threats, with Prolexic PLXedge technology providing 2.3 Tbps bandwidth to ensure site security.
Value-added services such as "Kona Site Defender" allow for customization and real-time monitoring.

However, there are some downsides to consider. While Akamai boasts impressive scale, it lacks flexibility when it comes to rule adjustments, which smaller competitors may offer.
Additionally, the service is among the most expensive options available and does not offer a free tier like Cloudflare. Nonetheless, those willing to pay may find it one of the most comprehensive alternatives to Cloudflare out there.


Cloudflare acts as a reverse proxy. When you connect your website to Cloudflare, all incoming traffic has to pass through their servers before it reaches yours. This means that depending on your settings, a certain amount of additional traffic can occur. For instance, if you have caching enabled, Cloudflare will cache frequently requested files and serve them directly from their edge servers. However, if the cache is not effectively utilized, or if you're serving dynamic content, the additional requests from Cloudflare to your server can significantly increase network load rather than decrease it.

Moreover, there are instances when Cloudflare may also perform health checks or content scrapes, especially if they are set to monitor your site's performance or uptime. This means that they may be making periodic requests to your server that wouldn't happen otherwise, contributing to total network traffic.

Another thing to consider is the potential increase in tracking or analytic services which are often implemented through Cloudflare. If you've got additional protection features enabled, like their WAF (Web Application Firewall) or SSL/TLS re-encryption, it may add overhead when it comes to how traffic is processed and could lead to increased network requests.

Let's not forget about misconfigured resources. If not properly set up, Cloudflare can inadvertently bypass caching mechanisms and lead to excessive load on your server, especially if queries from users are not being cached correctly. This can result in Cloudflare repeatedly fetching resources from your origin server when it could have served them from cache.

Also I would suggest checking the logs and statistics on both your server and Cloudflare's dashboard. Sometimes, certain bots or unwanted traffic may increase after integrating with a CDN like Cloudflare, leading to higher load as your server tries to cope with these requests.
While Cloudflare is aimed to optimize and protect your website, several elements including traffic routing, caching effectiveness, health checks, and even misconfigurations can contribute to an increase in network load instead of a decrease. So it's crucial to analyze the data carefully and continously adjust settings until you reach optimal performance.

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