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Attracting Clients as a Novice Web Designer

Started by kim768, May 30, 2023, 12:23 AM

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kim768Topic starter

After graduation, what steps should a new web designer take to kickstart their career?
With my studies now complete, I find myself at a loss for what comes next. I have skills in design, layout, landing pages, and UX. How can I begin freelancing? Additionally, as a novice, where can I create a portfolio? And if I lack experience, how can I attract potential clients?


Instead of freelancing, consider seeking employment with a company or studio. As you gain experience and progress in your career, opportunities to freelance may also arise. Ultimately, the decision to pursue freelancing is up to you and your personal preferences.

It's important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of freelancing versus traditional employment before making a decision. While freelancing offers greater flexibility and autonomy, it can also be more unstable and unpredictable. Working for a company may provide greater stability and benefits, but could come at the cost of less flexibility and independence.

In the end, the best choice depends on your individual goals and priorities. Keep in mind that nothing is set in stone, and you can always reassess your career path as needed.


In the fiasserver project, there is a need for additional contributors. The work primarily involves creating an address search page and a simple admin panel. You must include your copyright and add this experience to your resume.

To contribute, you should be proficient in creating static pages using Bulma. Specifically, you must be able to create layouts and describe different blocks. Your creativity will be required to develop 2-3 themes. I will provide you with all the necessary tools for the project.


If you don't have money, consider finding a job that covers basic survival needs (but doesn't leave you crawling back home), while simultaneously pursuing a career in design. It's important to study and practice this field as much as possible.
If you have some funds, try to find an internship with low pay or even for free, as long as the opportunity is there. After a year of such work, start looking for a permanent position without settling for unsatisfactory conditions.


Here are a few steps you can take to kickstart your career:

1. Build your Portfolio: As a novice, creating a portfolio is crucial to showcase your skills and attract potential clients. You can start by creating a personal website using platforms like WordPress, Wix, or Squarespace, where you can display your projects, describe your expertise, and provide contact information. Be sure to include a variety of designs to showcase your versatility.

2. Freelancing Platforms: To find freelance work, consider signing up on popular freelancing platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. These platforms connect clients with freelancers in various fields, including web design. Take the time to create a professional profile that highlights your skills and experiences.

3. Networking: Building a network is essential in any field, and web design is no exception. Attend industry events, join web design forums or communities, and engage with other professionals. Networking can lead to valuable connections, referrals, and potential clients.

4. Offer Pro Bono Work: In the early stages, consider offering your services for free or at a discounted rate to gain experience and build your portfolio. Look for non-profit organizations, friends, or family members who may benefit from your services. Pro bono work can help you refine your skills and demonstrate your abilities to future clients.

5. Continuous Learning: Web design is constantly evolving, so it's important to stay updated with the latest trends, tools, and techniques. Take online courses or attend workshops to expand your knowledge and improve your skills. This will also help you stand out from other designers and attract clients.

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