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Starting Journey as a Web Developer

Started by anhyeuviolet, Mar 19, 2023, 02:01 AM

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anhyeuvioletTopic starter

Greetings, everyone! My aspiration is to become a web developer. Fortunately, I possess a rudimentary understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I underwent the Way Up training course titled "Web Layout Designer: The Beginning" and was immensely satisfied with its content. I have already begun constructing layouts, and it seems to be going well.

Nevertheless, I am unsure about what my subsequent move should be. Should I opt for their premium courses? And if yes, which ones? I am keen on pursuing layout designing as opposed to design itself. Becoming an accomplished layout designer is my ultimate goal, and I crave advice on what my next step ought to be. Kindly share your tips and experience.


When it comes to subjects such as layout, if you are wasting your money on it, how do you plan to handle more difficult matters that cannot be solved by taking courses and will require individual study? Fortunately, high-quality information is readily available and presented very well.

I am hesitant to disappoint you, but it is improbable that you will land a job as a professional layout designer; you may have better luck as a manager or taxi driver. To be considered for a position at least as a Junior in a studio or as a frontender in an office, you need a grasp of the following:

- HTML5, CSS3, adaptive design, cross-browser compatibility, valid layout, gulp, pug, and php and js bases.
- You should also have some understanding of WordPress, and preferably, knowledge of WordPress+MODX or even WordPress+MODX+Opencart, to earn more than $500 per month (assuming you possess these skills).
- Furthermore, it would be advantageous to have extensive knowledge of JS+React+Vue, which could enable you to start with a salary of $600 in your first year.


There is an abundance of resources available online that enable you to become skilled in web design and possibly even intermediate-level skills within one to two years. Platforms like Toaster and other sites provide spaces where individuals can frequently interact with one another. Knowing HTML/CSS/JS is sufficient for becoming a web layout designer.

The next step is to solidify your knowledge and pursue a job that aligns with your aspirations; if you have expertise in your area, getting hired as a layout designer won't be a problem. Eventually, you could explore the React, Angular, and Vue frameworks. Alternatively, if you want to excel in layout design, read up on template engines such as Pug and CSS preprocessor SASS/SCSS.

In my opinion, courses may be valuable for comprehending challenging material, particularly for back-end development or exceptionally complex courses in various programming languages (like Yap); however, this is not the case for HTML.


Don't be swayed by individuals who claim to have experience and recommend studying PHP, jQuery, bootstrap, and other related topics. Instead, take the time to filter out the information and evaluate what you truly want to learn and why.

If you are interested in frontend development, I suggest focusing on two fundamental areas:

1. JavaScript
2. English proficiency

Everything else, such as CSS, frameworks, and other supplementary materials, can be achieved over time and mostly self-taught. Bear in mind that libraries and tools may appear and vanish, but the fundamental principles of coding remain constant. Moreover, possessing an understanding of the basics of programming enables you to learn other languages such as Python and Go, or even PHP if you desire.

Suppose you're looking for organized courses to aid your learning. In that case, Andrey Neagoie's "Web Developer: Zero to Mastery" is a highly recommended resource. You can obtain it for free in English by downloading it from his website, and there is also a Discord community with numerous students who could help and support you throughout your learning journey.


To create a website, you must first study the layout: HTML and CSS, and then Javascript. It would be best to begin with pure JS and then proceed to libraries and frameworks like React or Vue, which are popular frontend technologies.

In backend development, there are more widely used technologies than in frontend. The choice depends on the language you prefer and typically includes PHP, Python, Ruby, and NodeJS. Each language has its own framework(s), such as Symfony or Laravel for PHP, Django for Python.

Learning technology through practical experience is optimal. You need an environment in which to develop websites comfortably, such as a code editor or IDE, developer tools in your browser, and possibly even Git - a distributed version control system that enables developers to create different versions of the code, merge them into one whole, and reverse to past versions if necessary.

As a frontender, it is important to understand how to work with graphic editors like Adobe Photoshop, Figma, and Zeplin. To debug site-server interactions, you need to install a local server and create a database, but online guides can assist with this process.

Comprehending relevant technologies is just the beginning. Preprocessors, project automation, assembly systems, BEM methodology, and virtual machines are all critical skillsets for web developers. Additionally, mastering knowledge of libraries and frameworks is necessary to boost development productivity. However, these tools may require significant effort and time to master.

Lastly, English is crucial in web development because there are numerous resources to read, including documentation and Stack Overflow. Ultimately, to become an accomplished web developer, you will need to follow these seven steps while dedicating time and effort to the craft.


It's awesome that you've already got your feet wet in web development with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Starting off with a solid foundation like that is key to building up your skills as a web developer, and it's great to hear that you enjoyed the Way Up course on "Web Layout Designer: The Beginning." Getting hands-on experience with constructing layouts is a crucial step, and it sounds like you're on the right track!

So, about your next move—if you're really serious about becoming a top-notch layout designer, furthering your education could definitely be beneficial. Premium courses often dive deeper into advanced topics, and they can provide you with more in-depth knowledge and practical experience. Since you've mentioned that you're more interested in layout designing rather than design itself, I would suggest focusing on courses that hone your skills in responsive design, grid systems, and CSS frameworks like Bootstrap or Tailwind. These are essential for any layout designer who wants to create clean, efficient, and adaptable layouts.

Additionally, learning about Flexbox and CSS Grid will be incredibly valuable for you. These tools are vital for modern web layouts, allowing you to create complex, responsive designs with relative ease. You might also want to explore courses that cover best practices in web performance, as a well-designed layout isn't just about looking good—it's also about how efficiently it loads and functions on different devices.

If Way Up offers specialized premium courses in any of these areas, I'd say go for it. But also, don't limit yourself to just one platform. There are plenty of other resources out there like Udemy, Coursera, or even YouTube tutorials that can offer a wealth of knowledge.

Another step you might consider is getting into version control with Git. This will not only help you manage your projects better but also is an essential skill for working in any professional web development environment. Learning to use Git alongside GitHub or GitLab will make it easier for you to collaborate on projects and showcase your work to potential employers or clients.

Start building a portfolio. Even if you're just practicing, keep those layouts and designs stored somewhere. Over time, you'll build a body of work that you can show off to potential clients or employers. It's also a great way to track your own progress and see how far you've come.
Investing in more advanced courses could be worth your while, especially if they align with your goal of becoming a professional layout designer. Focus on mastering responsive design, CSS frameworks, Flexbox, CSS Grid, and performance optimization. And don't forget to get comfortable with Git and start building that portfolio.

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