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Finding new paths as a creative web developer

Started by balkonreont, Jun 20, 2023, 12:10 AM

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balkonreontTopic starter


I'm struggling with the feeling that everything has already been created, leaving me with nothing unique to offer beyond developing and creating UI design with FSH.

The desire to create something necessary and novel is frequently met with disappointment - every idea I come up with has already been done by someone else, often multiple times. It seems that even the most rudimentary concepts have been implemented ad nauseam.

So what's the solution? The world is saturated with products and services, making it feel impossible to conceive of something truly original, and the idea of creating custom products for individual use doesn't appeal to me. I'm not motivated solely by profit, but by the pursuit of interesting ideas, yet they seem few and far between.

Are there others out there who share my passion for innovation or are we doomed to an endless cycle of unoriginality?


There are those who excel in performance and those who generate ideas. It's important to introspect and accept which category you fall under. Being a professional performer is more admirable than being an unsuccessful idea generator, as 9 out of 10 startups fail. Why add yourself to that list? If you're a fish, why frustrate yourself by trying to climb a tree?

The most effective way to generate a working idea involves:
1. Gaining sufficient experience in a particular field.
2. Experiencing it firsthand to identify its pains, problems, and shortcomings.
3. Solving these issues with programming or other applied skills.
4. Implementing the solution into your own work.
5. Packaging the solution and presenting it to colleagues in the same field.
6. Profit!

But even if a working idea pops up, are you prepared to put it into action? Do you have a team ready to work for free for a year during beta creation, tests, run-in, and promotion? Do you have the funds to support a salary for five employees during that time? Have you accounted for taxes and deductions as well? Do you have the necessary resources for marketing research and primary traffic from search engines? These are just some of the aspects to consider when implementing a small web service.

The romanticized idea of a startup is quite different from reality: coming up with a brilliant idea, coding in a garage with a friend, and receiving recognition and bags of money from the world. In reality, it takes years of work, professionalism, networking, and customer base development to create a successful startup. A website is just a promotional tool, using web development languages as tools for creating interactive promotional materials. Web developers are not magicians with unique knowledge and skillsets, they're simply modern-day locksmiths who specialize in technological means of promotion.


The generation of ideas is inherently linked to the need for them. Engaging in tasks solely for the sake of it yields undesirable outcomes, mainly because one does not consider the needs that their product should satisfy.

A common example of this principle can be seen in the development of software packages. The majority of packages on npm arise from a personal need: when an adequate solution cannot be found, developers create their own. They then recognize the potential benefits of their creation and share it with others, ultimately making it useful beyond its original purpose.


So, you work as a GUI designer and believe that everything in terms of interfaces has already been discovered and does not require any further improvements? But why do companies continue to redesign their interfaces every year? Why did Google introduce material design, Apple change the design of Mac OS, Habr undergo a redesign, and navigation systems change their designs?

It is important to remember that technology and user preferences are constantly evolving. Even if an interface seems perfect now, it may not meet the needs of users in the future. Design trends also come and go, so companies need to stay up-to-date in order to remain relevant and competitive. As a GUI designer, it is important to always be open to new ideas and strive for continuous improvement, rather than simply settling for what already exists.


One approach to address this dilemma is to focus not on creating something entirely new, but on improving existing designs or combining elements in a novel way. This can lead to innovative solutions that provide real value to users. It's about finding the balance between originality and practicality.
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, it's true that many concepts have been implemented repeatedly, but the key lies in differentiation and user experience. By deeply understanding the needs and behaviors of your target audience, you can tailor your designs to stand out and provide a fresh perspective.

Moreover, collaborating with others who share your passion for innovation can be immensely beneficial. Brainstorming with like-minded individuals often leads to breakthroughs and sparks new ideas that may not have emerged in isolation. Community-driven innovation can help break the cycle of unoriginality and inspire new directions in UI design.

While the world may seem saturated with products and services, there is always space for well-crafted, user-centric designs that solve real problems. By staying true to your motivation of pursuing interesting ideas, you can continue to make meaningful contributions to the field of UI design with FSH.
The pursuit of innovation is a journey, and it's natural to encounter challenges along the way. Embrace these challenges as opportunities to push the boundaries and bring fresh, impactful designs to life.

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