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Graphic Design Career

Started by jeriSemi, Sep 04, 2024, 12:42 AM

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jeriSemiTopic starter

Do I have to go to art school to work as a graphic designer?



You don't necessarily have to go to art school to work as a graphic designer, but having a formal education can be beneficial. Many successful graphic designers have developed their skills through self-study, online courses, or by working on personal projects. The most important thing is to build a strong portfolio that showcases your work and creativity.

In the digital age, there are plenty of resources available, like tutorials, webinars, and design communities, where you can learn the necessary skills. Understanding design principles, color theory, and typography is essential, and you can learn these concepts through various means, even without a degree.

However, art school can provide structured learning and valuable feedback from experienced instructors, which can help you refine your style and approach. Networking opportunities with peers and industry professionals can also be a significant advantage.
What matters most is your ability to create compelling designs and your willingness to continuously learn and adapt to new trends in the field. So, while art school isn't a requirement, it can certainly enhance your prospects and help you grow as a designer.


You wanna be a rockstar designer, creating futuristic designs that'll make people go wow, right? Well, I gotta tell ya, it's not just about having 15+ years of experience under your belt. I mean, I know plenty of designers who've been around for ages, but their designs are stuck in the past.

To be a top-notch designer, you need that special sauce - a combination of art education and visual experience. Yeah, I know, some people might say, "Hey, I can learn design online, no art school needed!" But let's be real, folks. Art education gives you that intuitive edge when it comes to composition, color choice, and all that jazz. It's like having a superpower that helps you create designs that are both beautiful and efficient.

Now, if you just wanna dabble in design, make some logos on the side, and don't care about growing as a designer, then sure, you can skip the art education. But if you wanna make it big, get into a top agency, and climb the career ladder, then you need that solid artistic foundation. Freelancing on Upwork or Fiverr might get you some clients, but without a strong artistic background, you'll be stuck in a rut.

So, it all comes down to what you want to achieve in your design career. Do you wanna be a design superstar or just a hobbyist? The choice is yours, but if you wanna make it to the top, art education is the way to go.


Bein a graphic desiner of what level is a queston thats not easly ansered. My techer ones sed to us, 'You arnt just graphic desiners, you gotta no how to draw!' But thats not enuf, you gotta no what to draw and how good you gotta be at it.

Drawin is a importint skill for a desiner, but its not necesary. If you wanna get into a good skool or uni, you gotta be good at drawin, especialy if you wanna get into a place like the Stroganov Academy or the Stieglitz Academy. They dont just wanna see that you can draw, they wanna see that you can draw good.

But if you're takin design coursas, they dont teech you how to draw, they teech you how to us programs and design canon. And thats ok, cuz you can stil be a desiner, but you gotta work on your visual acuity. That way, you can undorstand styles and tecniques and how long it takes to make a drawin.

A desiner who can draw like an ilustrator is like a goldmine for an employer. They can do everythin themself, from logos to posters to packagin. And thats why they get payd more, cuz they can do more. They can even make a sketch of a logo and show it to the client, and thats how they can save time and get the job don.

In graphic design, ther ar many subcategories that peopel dont no about. They just see the final product, but we no that ther's a lot of work that goes into it. And if you can draw, you can do a lot of that work yourself, and thats how you can become a high-level profesional. So, its up to you to deside who you wanna be and what you wanna do in graphic design.

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