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SEO Specialist vs Web Designer

Started by alvaroamdo, Aug 22, 2023, 12:16 AM

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alvaroamdoTopic starter

I have made the decision to switch my career path and now I am faced with the dilemma of choosing between becoming an SEO specialist or pursuing a career in web design. I find great pleasure in analyzing data and devising strategic plans, which I believe are crucial for effective search engine optimization.
However, I also possess a strong desire to create visually appealing and user-friendly designs. It is often said that one should not try to chase two hares at once, but I find myself torn between these two passions.

What advice would you give me in this situation?

Wiley Harding

In your situation, it's great that you have identified two passions: search engine optimization (SEO) and web design. Here are a few considerations that might help you make a decision:

1. Explore Both Fields: Try to gain some practical experience in both SEO and web design to better understand the day-to-day tasks, challenges, and opportunities in each field. This can help you assess which one suits your skills and interests more.

2. Assess Long-Term Prospects: Research the long-term prospects and growth potential of both careers. Consider factors such as demand, industry trends, and potential for advancement. This can give you insights into which field offers more promising opportunities for your future.

3. Identify Your Strengths: Reflect on your core strengths and natural abilities. If you excel at analyzing data and creating strategic plans, SEO might be a better fit for you. On the other hand, if you have a keen eye for design aesthetics and enjoy creating visually appealing websites, web design might align more closely with your talents.

4. Consider Combination Roles: You can also explore career paths that combine SEO and web design, such as UX/UI design or digital marketing roles. This way, you can leverage both skill sets and find a balance between your two passions.

5. Job Market and Salaries: Research the job market for both SEO specialists and web designers in your area or the location where you plan to work. Look into salary ranges and job availability to get a sense of the demand and earning potential in each field.

6. Personal Fulfillment: Consider which career path aligns more closely with your personal fulfillment and happiness. Ask yourself which aspects of each field bring you the most joy and satisfaction. It's important to find a career that you genuinely enjoy and feel passionate about.

7. Future Skills: Explore how each field may evolve in the future. Look into emerging trends, technologies, and skills that could impact both SEO and web design. Thinking ahead can help you assess which field might be more future-proof and offer greater growth opportunities.

8. Flexibility and Combining Skills: Determine how flexible each field is in terms of allowing you to develop skills in the other area of interest. For example, as an SEO specialist, you can still gain web design skills to some extent, and vice versa. Consider the potential for cross-training and enhancing your skill set over time.

9. Job Satisfaction: Think about the type of work environment and tasks that you find most satisfying. Are you more inclined towards analyzing data, conducting keyword research, and optimizing websites (SEO), or do you enjoy the creative process of designing user interfaces, wireframing, and visualizing concepts (web design)? Understanding which tasks bring you the most fulfillment can help guide your decision.

10. Industry Trends: Stay updated on industry trends and developments in both SEO and web design. Look into advancements in search engine algorithms, user experience design principles, and emerging technologies. Consider which field aligns more closely with your interest in staying up-to-date with the latest trends.

11. Skills Development: Assess which field would provide you with more opportunities to develop and refine your skill set. Look into the types of training, certifications, and ongoing learning opportunities available in each field. Determine which path offers the most potential for continuous growth and skill development.

12. Networking and Community: Consider the networking opportunities and community support available in each field. Explore industry conferences, meetups, online forums, and professional associations to see where you might find like-minded professionals and a supportive community.


Have you been informed that it is impossible to excel in two fields?
In addition, search engine optimization (SEO) and good design are always interconnected.

Allocate your time wisely and you will thrive as a skilled professional in both areas.


SEO serves as a favorable starting point, enabling progression in the realm of online marketing followed by web analytics, UX, UI, design, and more. Throughout the entire process of website development and upkeep, an Internet marketer collaborates with various teams.

From my perspective, I have a greater inclination towards marketing, as you might have realized. However, I hold reservations regarding the prospects of pursuing a career as a designer, although I acknowledge the possibility of my viewpoint being inaccurate.

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