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Domain Dilemma - Worth Keeping or Not?

Started by AllenSays, Feb 10, 2024, 12:42 AM

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AllenSaysTopic starter

Greetings everyone, it's a pleasure to be in touch.
Approximately 3 months back, I acquired a domain for a specific project. However, the plans for the project changed, and the domain was not utilized. The domain in question is sspic.net. I'm quite unfamiliar with the concept of cybersquatting...

Do you think it's prudent to hold on to this domain? What are your thoughts on whether it's a valuable and attractive domain or not?
Your insights on this matter would be greatly appreciated.


From a web designer's perspective, "sspic.net" does have some potential as a domain name. The acronym "sspic" could be interpreted in various ways, depending on the context of the project. It could stand for a specific service, product, or even a company name. The ".net" extension is often associated with technology-related websites, which could be relevant depending on the nature of your project.

In terms of holding on to the domain, it depends on your long-term plans. If you have a future project in mind where "sspic.net" could be a suitable fit, it might be worth keeping. However, if the domain doesn't align with any foreseeable projects, you might want to consider selling it to someone who could make better use of it.

Regarding cybersquatting, it's important to note that holding onto a domain without the intention of using it for malicious purposes typically doesn't fall under cybersquatting. Cybersquatting generally involves bad faith registration of a domain name that is identical or confusingly similar to a trademark with the intent to profit from it. Since your acquisition of "sspic.net" was for a specific project, it doesn't appear to be in bad faith.

If you believe it has potential value and fits into your upcoming endeavors, it could be prudent to keep it. However, if it doesn't serve any purpose in your current or future projects, you might want to explore options for transferring or selling the domain to someone who can leverage its potential effectively.


domain name could be exclusively reserved for the specific project. Its price is set at a nominal value.


I must stress the importance of not holding onto this domain for personal use. It lacks any significant value and should be released for others to utilize.
This domain, in its current state, does not hold any potential for meaningful development or strategic advantage.

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