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Seeking Help with Hetzner Domain Transfer and DNS Configuration

Started by Chanceplaycle, May 02, 2024, 01:17 AM

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ChanceplaycleTopic starter

Hey there, I'm in a bit of a pickle and could really use some guidance.

So, I have these two servers with Hetzner and I need to transfer the domain. After getting a new server, I went ahead and ordered the nameserver service and patiently waited for access to be granted. Then, I registered the domain in the robot panel.

In addition to that, I also got a panel from Hetzner called Plesk, where I found the DNS settings. This is what I found there...

I proceeded to register these DNS with my domain registrar. It's been roughly 24 hours now and the site is still down. When I ping the domain, it's still showing the old IP address. Also, Plesk has a DNS zone test function which has given me this feedback...

If anyone out there knows how to tackle this challenge comprehensively, I would greatly appreciate a step-by-step guide tailored to my specific situation. I'm exhausted from scouring the web for bits of information here and there. Please, lend me a hand!


Ensure that the nameservers you received from Hetzner are properly configured with your domain registrar. Log in to your domain registrar's control panel and enter the nameserver information provided by Hetzner. This process can take up to 24-48 hours for propagation, during which time the old IP address may still be cached.

Next, double-check the DNS settings in your Plesk panel. Make sure that the A and CNAME records are pointing to the correct IP addresses and that there are no conflicting DNS entries. It's also important to verify that the domain name listed in the DNS zone settings matches the one you registered in the Hetzner robot panel.

After updating the DNS settings, allow ample time for propagation. While waiting, it's a good practice to clear your local DNS cache to ensure you're not accessing outdated information. This can be done through the command prompt using the "ipconfig /flushdns" command on Windows or by restarting your DNS resolver on Unix-based systems.

It's also worth considering reaching out to the Hetzner support team for assistance. They can verify the correct configuration of your nameservers and DNS settings, ensuring there are no issues on their end.

Lastly, remain patient and monitor the progress. It's not uncommon for DNS changes to take some time to fully propagate across the internet. After the propagation period has passed, your site should be accessible via the new server and the correct IP address associated with your domain.

Let's break down the process step by step to ensure we cover all aspects of the domain transfer and DNS configuration.

1. Nameserver Configuration:
  - Log in to your domain registrar's control panel and locate the section for managing nameservers.
  - Add the nameserver information provided by Hetzner, typically in the format of "ns1.yourdomain.com" and "ns2.yourdomain.com", if not already done.
  - Save the changes and allow up to 24-48 hours for the updated nameserver information to propagate across the internet.

2. DNS Settings in Plesk Panel:
  - Access your Plesk panel and navigate to the DNS settings for your domain.
  - Verify the A and CNAME records to ensure they point to the correct IP addresses and domain aliases.
  - Double-check the DNS zone settings to confirm that the domain name matches the one registered in the Hetzner robot panel.

3. Local DNS Cache Clearing:
  - On Windows, open the command prompt and enter "ipconfig /flushdns" to clear the local DNS cache.
  - On Unix-based systems, restart the DNS resolver service to clear the DNS cache.

4. Propagation Monitoring:
  - Monitor the propagation progress using online tools such as "dnschecker.org" to confirm that the updated DNS information is propagating globally.
  - Be aware that during the propagation period, some regions and ISPs may still resolve to the old IP address due to cached information.

5. Support from Hetzner:
  - If the site remains inaccessible after the propagation period, consider reaching out to Hetzner's support team for assistance.
  - Provide them with the details of your nameserver configuration and DNS settings to ensure there are no issues on their end.

6. Patience and Persistence:
  - Remain patient throughout the process and continue to monitor the site's accessibility.
  - Keep in mind that DNS changes may take time to fully propagate, and it's important to allow for this before making further adjustments.

Attention to detail and thorough verification of settings are crucial in domain and DNS management. By following these steps and allowing for propagation time, you can ensure a successful domain transfer and proper site accessibility on the new server.


In case of providing limited data, make sure to include details about both the old and new IP addresses.

Examine the information specified in the domain zone, and check which type A records are registered in the robots, etc.

Are you aware of how the DNS zone can take up to 48 hours to update?


So, what's the deal with all this IP address redirection? I mean, Hetzner's panels didn't even bother to capture a screenshot of the instructions. Can you believe that? It's like they're not even trying to help us out.


It's possible that the DNS zone test function in Plesk is giving you a false sense of security. I'd suggest verifying the DNS records using an external tool like WhatsMyDNS or Dig. This will help you identify if the issue lies with your DNS setup or the propagation.
Additionally, ensure that your domain registrar has updated the nameservers correctly. If everything checks out, it might be a case of DNS caching. Try flushing your DNS cache or using a public DNS service like Google's to see if that resolves the issue.

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