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Multiple Hosts to Accommodate a Single Domain Name for Web Hosting

Started by mradxek, Aug 10, 2023, 12:36 AM

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mradxekTopic starter

Is it possible to have my website hosted on multiple hosts but with the same domain name?


Yes, it is possible to have your website hosted on multiple hosts with the same domain name. This can be achieved by using a technique called "load balancing" or "reverse proxying." Essentially, you would set up multiple servers or hosting environments, and then configure them to distribute the incoming traffic across all the hosts.
This way, when someone accesses your website using the domain name, the load balancer or reverse proxy will route the request to one of the hosting environments. This method can help improve website performance, availability, and reliability.

To implement multiple hosting environments with the same domain name, you would typically use a load balancer or reverse proxy server. This server sits between the users and your hosting environments and forwards incoming requests to the appropriate backend hosts.

Here's how the process generally works:

1. Set up multiple hosting environments: You'll need to have multiple servers or hosting providers to distribute the load and handle incoming requests. These can be physical or virtual servers, cloud-based hosting services, or a combination of both.

2. Configure DNS settings: Update your domain's DNS settings to point to the IP address or domain name of the load balancer or reverse proxy server. This ensures that all requests to your domain are directed to the load balancer.

3. Configure load balancing: Set up a load balancer or reverse proxy server that will receive incoming requests from users. Load balancers distribute traffic based on predefined algorithms like round-robin, least connections, or IP hashing. This ensures that each hosting environment receives a fair share of the load.

4. Route incoming requests: The load balancer examines incoming requests and determines which backend host should handle them. It then forwards the request to the designated hosting environment.

5. Backends handle the request: Each backend hosting environment receives requests from the load balancer and serves the content accordingly. At this stage, you may have identical copies of your website on each hosting environment, ensuring consistency.

6. Load balancing algorithms: Load balancing algorithms determine how requests are distributed among the backend hosts. For example, round-robin distributes requests evenly, while least connections sends requests to the host with the fewest active connections.

Implementing this setup requires careful configuration and coordination, and it's essential to ensure that data is synchronized across all hosting environments. Additionally, you should consider factors such as security, scalability, and monitoring to maintain optimal performance.


In theory, there should be no issue since the domain has the same NS server names. However, in reality, there could still be potential problems.

It is important to note that while the NS server names may be the same, there can still be variations in settings or configurations that could lead to unexpected issues. Therefore, even though it should not be a problem theoretically, it is always wise to double-check and ensure everything is correctly set up.


Regrettably, it is not as straightforward. While the name can remain the same, if the domains differ, you can retain the name.

For instance, let's say you have a website named www.buratino.com.

In this case, you can create additional websites using the same name:

- www.buratino.org
- www.buratino.net
- www.buratino.ru
- www.buratino.ua
...and so forth.

However, there won't be any completely identical names.

It's crucial to understand that even with different domains, there will be slight variations in the URLs.

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