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Seeking Memorable Domain Name for Photographer's Site and News

Started by Greenleesh, May 18, 2024, 12:27 AM

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GreenleeshTopic starter

Hey there,

I need some assistance in finding a catchy domain name for my girlfriend who is a photographer. She offers photography services, photo shoots, and also plans to include articles and news on her upcoming website.

The main goal is to make the domain name easily memorable and recognizable.

At first, she was thinking of using "janepemrinova" as the domain name, but then we started considering whether there might be a shorter available option.

Using her last name is not a priority.

We are specifically interested in the FR domain zone.

I would be grateful for any help in selecting a domain name.

Can you please help us with this?


In the context of photography services, it is important to capture the essence of visual artistry, creativity, and professional photo shoots within the domain name. One approach could involve incorporating evocative and catchy words that emphasize the captivating nature of photography, such as "capture," "frame," "moment," or "visuals." These words can evoke the emotional impact of photography and create an immediate connection with potential clients.

To further enhance the memorability and recognition of the domain name, I recommend considering the use of alliteration, which is the repetition of initial sounds in neighboring words. It can lend a rhythmic and memorable quality to the domain name. For instance, pairing words like "visualvoyage," "framefables," or "momentmastery" can create a harmonious and captivating domain name that resonates with potential clients.

Considering the desire to incorporate the FR domain zone, integrating French words or expressions related to photography and creativity can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to the domain name. French words like "lumière" (meaning "light"), "artiste" (meaning "artist"), or "photogénique" (meaning "photogenic") can infuse a sense of artistry while aligning with the international appeal of photography as a visual medium.

It is crucial to conduct thorough research to ensure that the chosen domain name is available within the FR domain zone. Utilize domain name search tools or consult with domain registrars to verify the availability of your desired domain name.


I surprised my spouse with a fantastic domain, atola.name, which I came across using a web alias. The domain zone is really impressive.

Have you thought about jane.name or perminova.name? They're great examples.


She can temporarily take the domain using her name, and later we can explore a more concise option. The name should take precedence and be brief for added appeal. Perhaps something similar to design.fr > artlebedev.fr.


I'd suggest the following options:

PhotographePro.fr, which is short, professional, and clearly communicates the services offered. Another option could be LumiereStudio.fr, which evokes the idea of light, a fundamental element in photography, and has a nice ring to it.

If you want to think outside the box, you could consider a more abstract name like VueEnLigne.fr, which plays on the idea of "view" and "online," or even FStop.fr, which is a technical term in photography that could appeal to enthusiasts.

However, I must say that using a generic name like janepemrinova as a domain name is a rookie mistake - it's not memorable, and it doesn't give any hint about the services offered.

And let's be real, if your girlfriend is a photographer, she should have a domain name that's at least as visually appealing as her photos - something like janepemrinova just doesn't cut it.

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