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Similar Domains, When to Consider?

Started by naizsmile, Oct 11, 2024, 12:49 AM

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naizsmileTopic starter

Hey Squad,

Considering snagging a philanthropic domain (think along the lines of .st, but not that exact one).

When does it make sense to pull the trigger? And when should we pump the brakes?

Looking forward to your insights!


Unless you're a well-established organization with a clear brand identity, it's unlikely to make a significant impact. Moreover, with the increasing number of top-level domains (TLDs) available, the novelty of a unique domain has worn off.
Before investing in a philanthropic domain, ask yourself: Will it genuinely enhance your online presence, or is it just a vanity project? Be honest, and if the answer is the latter, it's time to pump the brakes and focus on more pressing priorities.

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