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Choosing the Right Domain for Promotion: Weighing Backlinks

Started by Stechnians, Mar 24, 2023, 07:44 AM

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StechniansTopic starter

I have selected three high-quality domains.
Among them, one domain possesses approximately 400 natural-looking backlinks from diverse news sources and materials published on various websites. However, the website associated with this domain pertains to a different subject and has a regional focus. Moreover, the existing links do not align with the topic of the new site.

On the other hand, the second domain lacks any content.
Having been abandoned for over a year, it no longer appears in search results.

Considering these factors, which of the two domains would be more suitable for further promotion and why?


In order to benefit their website, many individuals opt for a second domain with an appealing name.
However, if the existing domain does not align well with the desired subject matter, it is advisable to choose a new domain. This way, leveraging search engine optimization (SEO) strategies from the beginning can result in higher traffic compared to using an old domain.


Insufficient data precludes providing an unequivocal answer to your question.
While the quality of backlinks holds significance, so does the relevance to the subject matter.
In general, the presence of low-quality or unrelated backlinks can result in triggering various filters.

It's crucial to bear in mind that we are not in 2009, search engines have evolved beyond naivety and possess a comprehensive understanding that a new site on a dropped domain is distinct and unrelated to its predecessor.
Hence, opting for a new domain often proves prudent, as it mitigates risks associated with external factors beyond control, making the success solely reliant on one's own efforts.


A drop domain refers to a domain that has expired its registration period. The reasons for expiration vary widely: business closure, negligence in renewing registration, or personal preference to not extend it. An abandoned domain can, however, prove useful for promotion.

One benefit is the potential of having a unique and catchy name that can be kept for personal use or resold. Another advantage is if the drop domain has a long registration history, as it can spare your site from being placed in the search engine sandbox. Furthermore, a drop may possess an exceptional link profile, making it valuable for your own site or as a source of backlinks for other websites. These features make drops particularly useful in building PBN networks, especially for targeting English-speaking audiences.

One scenario involving drops is their integration with the main domain. For instance, if you have a young information site struggling to gain traction, you can acquire a drop domain within the same niche and execute a 301 redirect to your site. This strategy enables you to acquire backlinks, trust, authority, and age from the drop, simulating movement from a well-ranked domain to your current one.

However, using abandoned domains also comes with risks:

- Search engine sanctions may have been imposed on the domain.
- Prohibited content, spam, or other harmful materials could have been present on the domain at some point, tarnishing its reputation.
- Low-quality links may be associated with the drop.
- The domain's overall quality might be compromised.

In all cases, pasting such a domain onto your site will likely diminish its quality. Links from such domains will not provide any benefits, and promoting your site while using a compromised domain would prove challenging. Therefore, thorough due diligence is essential before purchasing drop domains.

To check the viability of a drop domain, services like Majestic (https://majestic.com/) and Ahrefs (https://ahrefs.com/) are useful.

In Majestic, assess the Citation Flow (CF) and Trust Flow (TF). If CF is high and TF is low, it indicates numerous low-quality links. Conversely, a high TF and low CF indicates few high-quality links. Identify domains with the highest TF and prepare to boost their CF (ideally aiming for a CF/TF ratio close to 1). A suitable domain should have a CF/TF ratio ranging from 0.6 to 1.5.

Additionally, consider the Ahrefs Domain Rating (DR). Note that DR may drop if links haven't been placed for an extended period (common for abandoned domains), which may not reflect the actual status. Review the number of referring domains, which should be comparable to the number of backlinks. If there are numerous links but few domains, further consideration is necessary.

In Ahrefs, examine the overall link profile. The number of referring domains and pages should ideally increase or remain steady. Sudden spikes on the chart might indicate a domain you should avoid acquiring.

Ensure that the anchor list appears organic without spam keywords. It is preferable for the anchor text to comprise the domain name and commonly used words like "here."

Lastly, manually assess the quality of backlinks associated with the domain. High Domain Rating (DR) and URL Rating (UR) should be observed, with a minimal number of accepting domains, minimal links, and a maximum number of donor domains supporting the target domain.


The domain with 400 natural-looking backlinks from diverse news sources and materials published on various websites sounds appealing due to the established backlink profile. However, the fact that the existing links do not align with the topic of the new site is a significant drawback. This can lead to confusion for both users and search engines, potentially impacting the new site's credibility and search engine rankings. Additionally, the regional focus of the domain may limit its appeal to a wider audience.

On the other hand, the second domain, while currently lacking any content and having been abandoned for over a year, presents an opportunity for a clean slate. With no existing content or backlinks to reconcile, there is potential to create a cohesive and targeted content strategy aligned with the new site's topic. It also allows for a fresh approach to building a backlink profile that is directly relevant to the new site's focus.

From a digital marketing perspective, I would prioritize the potential of the second domain for further promotion. While it may require more initial effort to rebuild its visibility in search results and establish a backlink profile, the long-term benefits of aligning content, backlinks, and site focus would likely outweigh the challenges posed by the first domain's existing but misaligned backlink profile. Furthermore, the ability to create a cohesive and targeted content strategy from scratch provides an opportunity to shape the domain's online presence in line with the new site's objectives.
Considering the potential for long-term success and strategic alignment with the new site's goals, the second domain presents a more suitable option for further promotion from a digital marketing perspective.


First domain is still the better option. Although the existing content and links don't align with the new site's topic, the domain's backlink profile is a valuable resource. With a 301 redirect and a well-planned content migration, you can salvage the link juice and build upon it. The second domain's lack of content and search engine visibility make it a less attractive choice.

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