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Which extension is more valuable?

Started by Натали_я, Jun 20, 2022, 01:15 PM

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Натали_яTopic starter

Hey there,

Which extension do you consider to be of greater worth between the following options:

- xхxx.io
- xхxx.xyz

- xхxx/xхx.io
- xхxx/xхx.xyz


As IO is related to technology, it's possible that the decision between the two options could be based on selected keywords or abbreviation.


.io much more valuable especially if you gonna use it for a tech startup, but keep in mind that .io is considered as unsafe extension, according to registry regulations, the domain .io is not safe.


In recent times, the .IO domain has gained popularity among youthful tech firms who are unable to secure an appropriate .COM domain name. Although "IO" can be interpreted as "input/output," it is actually a domain zone for the British Indian Ocean Territory, which has a fascinating history. The zone is managed by the British company Internet Computer Bureau, which also supervises various other ccTLDs for small nations.

The .xyz domain zone's goal is to bring together dynamic individuals from different age groups and create a unified space for them. This aims to bridge the gap in outlooks and lifestyles between older and younger generations.


The .io extension is commonly associated with technology and startups. Its usage has expanded beyond its original geographical significance and is now widely recognized as a domain for tech-related ventures. Therefore, from a web designer or engineer's perspective, xхxx.io could be perceived as a modern and cutting-edge choice, targeting a tech-savvy audience.

On the other hand, the .xyz extension has been marketed as a versatile and forward-thinking domain option. It is often seen as an unconventional and creative choice, which could appeal to a broad range of industries and businesses. From a marketer's or writer's standpoint, xхxx.xyz might be considered more flexible and innovative, allowing for diverse branding opportunities and a sense of inclusivity.

The inclusion of a subdirectory like xхxx/xхx can also impact the perception of the domain. If the website intends to focus on specific subcategories or products, using a subdirectory can help organize content and improve SEO. From a webmaster's or SEO specialist's viewpoint, the decision between xхxx/xхx.io and xхxx/xхx.xyz would depend on the target audience, content structure, and branding strategy.

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