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Internet Naming Co announces price cuts and hikes for TLDs

Started by Domaining News, Apr 28, 2023, 01:57 AM

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Domaining NewsTopic starter

Internet Naming Co is cutting the price of one of its TLDs by thousands of dollars, while raising the price of another by a similar amount.

The wholesale price of .forum domains will be reduced from $1,000 a year to a retail price of $39 a year, whereas the wholesale price of .country domains will increase from $20 a year to $2,000 a year. CEO Shayan Rostam stated that for .country, the existing registrants would be grandfathered in at the old renewal and transfer prices.

The relaunch of .country with a new business model will happen later in the year with reserved names being released, including all one, two, and three-character domains, and a premium name pricing system.

On the other hand, .forum's second sunrise period began this week, and a second Early Access Period will run until May 10 before settling in general availability on May 17, with a tiered pricing system for premium names.


This move has significant implications for domain investors, businesses, and individuals who rely on a strong online presence.
The decision to cut prices for certain TLDs may indicate a strategic effort to encourage adoption and increase the accessibility of domain names within those categories. It could be an attempt to attract more users to register domains in these TLDs, thus expanding the company's market share and potentially driving greater revenue through increased volume.

On the other hand, the price hikes for other TLDs may reflect a focus on maximizing the profit potential of high-demand domain extensions. This approach could be aimed at balancing the pricing structure to better align with market demand and the value associated with specific TLDs.

From a marketing perspective, it's crucial for Internet Naming Co to effectively communicate these changes to their target audience. They must articulate the value proposition behind each adjustment and illustrate how these price modifications are intended to benefit end-users, domain investors, and the company itself.

The reaction from the industry and domain investors will be essential in determining the success of these price changes. It will be interesting to observe how competitors respond and whether these adjustments lead to shifts in market dynamics, such as changes in registration patterns or customer loyalty.
The pricing strategy of Internet Naming Co regarding TLDs will undoubtedly have lasting effects on the domain industry, and it will be fascinating to see how these changes play out in the broader online ecosystem.

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