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illusion .com - currently 157K high bid on GoDaddy

Started by Plan, Jun 22, 2022, 03:32 AM

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PlanTopic starter

What is your analysis of illusion.com, which is currently being auctioned on GD with 8 days remaining and has already reached a bid of $157,000? Where do you predict the final bid will land?


I am confident that the Japanese registrant who currently owns the domain will renew it. It appears that he is simply testing the market to see how much his domains can fetch. I have had a similar experience in the past where I won one of his other expiring domains at a GoDaddy Auction, paid for it, but he renewed it by transferring it to Dynadot shortly after.

This has also happened with other domains that were won in auctions. I find this practice to be unfair and inconvenient. Since I am located outside of the US, the additional FX charges were an unnecessary expense, and I had to wait for about a week to receive a refund from GoDaddy.

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