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Maximizing the Benefits of Multicloud

Started by Hosting News, Jun 23, 2023, 01:52 AM

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Info-Tech Research Group has outlined a multicloud maturity journey, detailing the necessary steps for IT organizations to implement and refine their multicloud strategy.

The growing popularity of SaaS and IaaS ecosystems has created demand for cloud-based services, resulting in an explosion of cloud providers and platforms, each with a unique set of tools and features. While allowing for more options within the company, this necessitates accepting multiple cloud platforms (multicloud). This is where the new roadmap from Info-Tech Research Group comes in, offering best practices and principles to assist companies in controlling the volatility and complexity that multicloud brings.

According to Info-Tech, most enterprises will inevitably move towards multicloud due to the need for integration with partners, affiliates, and parent companies, as well as the demand for critical SaaS services. To make the most of multicloud, IT executives must carefully select a solution and leverage it to their advantage. Although adopting multicloud may seem daunting, the benefits are worth it if done correctly. Info-Tech outlines three key advantages for IT executives who embrace multicloud with purpose: cloud-native, DevOps, and APIs. 

It is essential to understand the nuances of maintaining control when embracing multicloud within an organization. When the required tools and principles are in place, multicloud can provide users with more choice and empower them to be more productive and creative. Multicloud may also save IT costs and enhance organizational agility when properly utilized.


Multicloud isn't just about having your eggs in multiple baskets; it's about avoiding a vendor lock-in nightmare. But beware, without proper management, you might end up with cloud sprawl – a messy landscape of underutilized resources and bloated costs. To maximize benefits, you need cloud governance to keep your multicloud environment in check.

Now, let's discuss cloud bursting. Multicloud isn't just about having a backup plan; it's about leveraging cloud bursting to handle peak loads. But remember, without a solid orchestration strategy, you might end up with a traffic jam at your API gateway. To maximize benefits, you need a robust orchestration tool that can seamlessly manage workloads across clouds.

Next, let's talk about serverless. Multicloud isn't just about having more options; it's about embracing serverless architectures to cut down on operational overhead. But be cautious, as serverless can lead to bill shock if not properly monitored. To maximize benefits, you need cost management tools that can track and optimize your serverless spending.
Let's discuss microservices. Multicloud isn't just about having more space; it's about breaking down your monolithic applications into microservices that can run independently across clouds. But be warned, microservices can lead to distributed monoliths if not designed properly. To maximize benefits, you need a service mesh that can manage inter-service communication and enforce policies.

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