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Securing Your VPS/VDS Server

Started by jainteq, Feb 08, 2023, 03:17 AM

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jainteqTopic starter

Hey there!

Recently, I've started utilizing a VPS/VDS server and now I'm wondering what measures I can take to eliminate any potential security risks. I'm looking for guidance on how to properly configure the server without necessarily focusing on script or program code security.

The operating system I'm using is Ubuntu. I would greatly appreciate any general tips and advice on what to prioritize in terms of securing my server.


It's important to ensure that you have control over how you authenticate and log in with specific privileges. For instance, it might be desirable to exclusively authenticate with public keys and restrict access for root. Additionally, all external services should have the least necessary level of privileges, such as running PHP via a www-data user that can't write to /etc.

You can also consider using containerization or chroot isolation to protect your host system from potential exposure, even if a daemon is compromised and unauthorized access is gained to /etc, where sensitive data is stored.

Jason Bowden

If you're using an official release, it typically comes with all the necessary security measures pre-configured. If you're the only user of the system, there's no need to differentiate between rights. The exception is for system users like memcache, mysql, and www-data, but these can be easily managed with apt-get. It's always advisable not to work under root all the time.

In this kind of "monopoly" situation, there's no need to set a password for MySQL since it defaults to localhost. Additionally, memcache and Mongodb don't require a password since they are only available from localhost.

While fail2ban may not be necessary with strong cryptography password and non-root login, timely software updates are still crucial. It's also important to avoid running questionable scripts downloaded from unknown sources and properly configuring the installed software, depending on the circumstances. This includes setting up SFTP instead of FTP to avoid password leakage, chrooting for added security, and restricting certain PHP functions.

For web scripts, vulnerabilities are common and can lead to leaks of source code and other sensitive data. Properly securing web directories, using reliable CMS builds, and understanding XSS and SQL injection are important considerations. For those looking to go even further, tools like SELinux, Zabbix, logwatch, logcheck, and auditd can be used for added protection.


Looking to configure the security of your VDS server? To prevent data loss due to hacking and cyber-attacks, specialists recommend adhering to a set of tips and best practices to ensure maximum protection.

To start, it's important to use strong passwords that are unique to each account rather than reusing the same password across multiple platforms. Password management solutions and generators can be used to create and secure them, and two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of protection.

Another key step is to close unused network ports and services that can be easily hacked if left open. Additionally, replacing the default SSH port with something else can make it more challenging for potential attackers to gain access to your server.

FTP should be replaced with the more secure SFTP protocol, and regular software updates should be performed to ensure that known vulnerabilities are patched as soon as possible. Root login should be disabled, and log monitoring enabled to detect any suspicious activity and prevent potential breaches.

By following these steps, you'll be able to significantly enhance the security of your VDS server and protect against potential data loss or theft.


Here are comprehensive and detailed tips and advice on prioritizing the security of your server:

1. Keep Your System Updated:
Regularly update your Ubuntu system with the latest security patches and updates. This can be achieved by running the following commands:
  sudo apt update
  sudo apt upgrade

2. Configure a Firewall:
Utilize the UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) tool to control incoming and outgoing traffic on your server. Configure the firewall to allow only necessary connections while blocking all others. For example, you can allow incoming SSH (port 22) and HTTP (port 80) traffic if you're hosting a website.

3. Use SSH Key-Based Authentication:
Implement SSH key-based authentication instead of password-based authentication for accessing your server. Generate an SSH key pair on your local machine and copy the public key to the `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file on the server. This adds an extra layer of security to prevent unauthorized access.

4. Disable Unnecessary Services:
Identify and disable any unnecessary services running on your server. Use the `systemctl` command to manage system services and stop/disable any services that are not required.

5. Remove Unnecessary Software:
Remove any unnecessary software and packages from your server. A leaner server environment reduces the potential attack surface for cyber threats.

6. Monitor Logs and Implement Intrusion Detection:
Regularly monitor system logs for any unusual activities. Implement intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS) to detect and respond to potential security threats in real-time. Tools like Fail2ban can be used to automatically ban malicious IP addresses.

7. Data Backups:
Set up regular backups of your data and server configurations. Ensure that backups are stored in a secure location, preferably off-site, to mitigate the impact of security breaches or data loss.

8. Harden the Server:
Consider implementing additional security measures such as disabling root login, using strong and unique passwords for user accounts, and configuring automatic security updates.

By meticulously following these detailed and comprehensive guidelines, you can effectively prioritize the security of your Ubuntu VPS/VDS server, significantly reducing potential security risks. Remember, maintaining a secure server environment is an ongoing process that requires continuous attention and proactive security measures.


Secure your VPS/VDS server by implementing robust security measures such as firewall configurations, regular software updates, strong password policies, encryption protocols, and continuous monitoring for potential vulnerabilities and threats.

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