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FTP Password Storage

Started by Marker, Mar 12, 2023, 12:07 AM

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I need to switch between different computers.
It's easy to remember the passwords for websites.

But what about FTP passwords?
To quickly access the FTP of your hosting on a new computer with just a few clicks.

Some possible options could be:
- Storing the data in a Google Docs document and sending it to yourself via email.
- Using PortableSoft along with Dropbox for added convenience.

Do you have any other suggestions or ideas?


I rely on KeePassX, a password manager that meets my needs. With a single keystroke, I can easily copy the address, login, and password.
The software is compatible with various operating systems like Windows, Linux, macOS, and Android. I store the password database on a secure flash drive, which requires a password to access. Additionally, there is a client available for Windows. This setup provides me with utmost convenience.

In my opinion, using a password manager is an essential practice in today's digital age. It not only ensures the security of your accounts but also simplifies the process of managing multiple passwords across different platforms.


I highly recommend using www.truecrypt.org to enhance the security of your data. By storing everything in a container within TrueCrypt, you can ensure that even if one of your machines is compromised, your sensitive information remains protected. Furthermore, I suggest encrypting your laptop as an additional layer of security.

In today's digital world, it is crucial to take proactive measures to safeguard our personal and confidential data. Encrypting our devices and utilizing trusted tools like TrueCrypt can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. It's always better to be proactive when it comes to protecting our digital assets.


You can create a password by utilizing a master password, eliminating the need to store any additional information apart from a script or program.
A simple search on Google will yield numerous options, with at least ten different implementations available. Personally, I use a python script on Linux and a C#/WPF program on Windows to generate passwords with ease.

One interesting approach to password generation is the concept of deterministic password managers. With this method, you can generate unique passwords for each website or service by using a master password and a predetermined algorithm. This way, you don't have to rely on storing passwords or using external programs, providing an added layer of security. It's worth exploring various implementations to find the one that best suits your needs and offers the desired level of convenience and protection.


When it comes to managing FTP passwords across different computers, it's important to consider both convenience and security. One approach is to use a secure password management tool that allows for the central storage of FTP credentials. Tools like LastPass or 1Password provide the ability to securely store FTP usernames and passwords in an encrypted vault. With these tools, you can access your FTP credentials from any computer or device with just a single master password, making it convenient to switch between different machines.

Another option is to leverage a version control system such as Git along with a private repository hosted on a platform like GitHub or Bitbucket. This method involves encrypting the FTP credentials and then storing them in a configuration file within the repository. When setting up a new computer, you can simply clone the repository and access the credentials securely without having to transfer them over unsecured channels.

In terms of enhancing security, consider using SSH keys for authentication instead of passwords when connecting to FTP servers. SSH keys provide a more secure way to authenticate and eliminate the need to store passwords altogether. By using a tool such as SSH Agent, you can manage your SSH keys and easily authenticate without the need to manually enter passphrases each time you connect to a server.

It's crucial to prioritize the security of FTP passwords, especially considering the sensitive nature of the data being accessed. Implementing strong encryption, utilizing secure transmission methods, and incorporating robust authentication mechanisms will help ensure that FTP passwords are stored and accessed in a secure manner across different computers. This approach will not only provide convenience but also reduce the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.

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