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Redirection to desired webpage during authorization

Started by sbglobal, Sep 25, 2022, 01:19 AM

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sbglobalTopic starter

Can you explain how to direct users to a specific web page based on their role during authorization?

require_once DIR.'/boot.php';
$stmt pdo()->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username");
$stmt->execute(['username' => $_POST['username']]);
if (!
$stmt->rowCount()) {
flash('User with such data is not registered');
header('Location: index.php');
$user $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (
password_verify($_POST['password'], $user['password'])) {

// Empty line

$_SESSION['user_id'] = $user['id'];
$user[role] == 'zamer')
header('Location: /zamer.php');

// Empty line
header('Location: /director.php');

// Empty line

flash('Password is wrong');
header('Location: index.php');

Based on the user's role, the code above directs them to a specific web page during authorization. The script first checks if the user exists in the database and if the password entered is valid. If the user's role is 'zamer', they are directed to the '/zamer.php' web page. Otherwise, they are sent to the '/director.php' web page. If the password is wrong or the user does not exist, they are redirected to the 'index.php' page.


It is recommended to enclose the role key in quotation marks. Additionally, the nested branching in the second 'die' statement should be removed.

Moreover, it seems that the code does not verify the presence or correctness of POST parameters. Therefore, it is important to first learn and understand fundamental concepts before proceeding to implement more complex functionalities such as authentication.

Lastly, instead of removing elements in the code, it is better to transfer them to a different location or modify them accordingly to ensure that the program runs smoothly and efficiently.

To summarize, it is crucial to build a strong foundation in programming before starting on advanced projects as foundational knowledge will help prevent basic errors and improve overall coding proficiency.


The code snippet you've provided is a classic example of how to implement role-based redirection during the authorization process in a PHP application.
The script begins by including a boot file, which likely sets up the environment, including database connections and session management. It then prepares a SQL statement to check if a user with the provided username exists in the database. This is done using a prepared statement to prevent SQL injection attacks, which is a good security practice.

Once the username is verified, the script fetches the user's data. The password entered by the user is then verified against the hashed password stored in the database using password_verify(). This function is crucial for maintaining password security, as storing plain text passwords is a major security risk.

Now, here's where the role-based redirection comes into play. The user's role is checked, and depending on whether the role is 'zamer' or not, the user is redirected to different pages. If the role is 'zamer', the user is directed to '/zamer.php'. Otherwise, they are sent to '/director.php'. This allows for a tailored experience based on the user's role, ensuring they access the appropriate resources and interfaces.

One thing to note is the importance of session management here. Once the user is authenticated, their user ID is stored in the session. This is essential for maintaining the user's authenticated state across different pages of the application.

However, there are a few areas that could be improved or clarified. For instance, the code should ensure that after setting the header for redirection, a die() or exit() call is made immediately to stop the script execution. This is crucial to prevent any further code from running, which could lead to unexpected behavior or security issues.

Additionally, the error handling could be enhanced. Currently, if the user does not exist or the password is incorrect, they are simply redirected back to 'index.php' with a flash message. It might be beneficial to log these events for security monitoring purposes.
This script effectively manages user authentication and role-based redirection, but like any piece of code, it could benefit from some refinements to improve security and maintainability.

here are a few examples of similar scripts for role-based redirection in PHP:

Example 1: Admin and User Redirection

require_once 'config.php';

$stmt = pdo()->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username");
$stmt->execute(['username' => $_POST['username']]);
$user = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

if ($user && password_verify($_POST['password'], $user['password'])) {
    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user['id'];
    if ($user['role'] == 'admin') {
        header('Location: /admin_dashboard.php');
    } else {
        header('Location: /user_dashboard.php');
} else {
    flash('Invalid credentials');
    header('Location: login.php');

Example 2: Editor and Viewer Redirection

require_once 'database.php';

$stmt = pdo()->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = :email");
$stmt->execute(['email' => $_POST['email']]);
$user = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

if ($user && password_verify($_POST['password'], $user['password'])) {
    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user['id'];
    switch ($user['role']) {
        case 'editor':
            header('Location: /editor_home.php');
        case 'viewer':
            header('Location: /viewer_home.php');
            header('Location: /default_home.php');
} else {
    flash('Email or password is incorrect');
    header('Location: login.php');

Example 3: Manager and Employee Redirection

require_once 'init.php';

$stmt = pdo()->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username");
$stmt->execute(['username' => $_POST['username']]);
$user = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

if ($user && password_verify($_POST['password'], $user['password'])) {
    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user['id'];
    if ($user['role'] == 'manager') {
        header('Location: /manager_portal.php');
    } elseif ($user['role'] == 'employee') {
        header('Location: /employee_portal.php');
    } else {
        header('Location: /guest_portal.php');
} else {
    flash('Login failed');
    header('Location: login.php');

These scripts demonstrate how to redirect users to different pages based on their roles after successful authentication. They ensure that users are directed to the appropriate section of the application, enhancing both security and user experience.

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