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WHMAMP still alive?

Started by sabulba, Mar 23, 2023, 07:49 AM

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sabulbaTopic starter

I'm curious if anyone has any information regarding the WHMAMP Reseller plugin. We purchased the license five days ago and have yet to receive any response. We submitted tickets shortly after on Saturday but haven't received any replies regarding when it will be activated. On Monday, we left another message inquiring about when we can expect activation, or if it won't be activated by the end of the day. If there is still no response, we will request a refund within seven days. On Tuesday, we filed a refund request, but they still haven't provided an answer.
I have a question: is this plugin still being actively supported? This is our first purchase, and we were really looking forward to it.

I decided to contact PayPal because I didn't want to believe that they were taking money from people without providing the promised product.


Following the update, the prices for cPanel are now aligned with those of the main and alpha sellers. At present, the majority of prominent resellers and alpha version sellers utilize the WHMReseller plugin. While it boasts a user-friendly interface, it lacks a WHMCS plugin and occasionally encounters errors when creating a master/alpha account in WHMCS. In my opinion, it seems that they are still in existence, as I have noticed many providers continuing to utilize their services.


The WHMAMP Reseller plugin's lack of support is a clear indication of a technical debt that's been accumulating over time. It's possible that the plugin's codebase is outdated, and the developer is no longer invested in maintaining it. As a result, customers like you are left with a non-functional product and no recourse. Explore alternative solutions that offer better support and more reliable functionality.

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