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Alternatives to cPanel

Started by JeremyBurley, Mar 05, 2023, 02:31 AM

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JeremyBurleyTopic starter

Hey everyone,

It appears that cPanel has once again increased their prices. This is particularly frustrating for me as even prepaid accounts are affected by the increase. I find it strange and somewhat irritating that prices can change mid-deal. Currently, I am paying $60 a month for cPanel, however, most of my small client base only requires it for basic tasks such as webmail access and adding email accounts.

I have been considering switching to DirectAdmin, but I was surprised to learn that they are still using Majordomo, which is outdated. Additionally, migrating from Mailman to Majordomo does not seem like a viable solution.

I have been exploring other options such as Interworx, but I am hesitant to use a subscription-based distribution like CloudLinux and AlmaLinux is not yet supported. Furthermore, there seems to be no anti-spam protection better than SpamAssassin, which is not ideal considering how much I liked ASSP Deluxe with cPanel.

Do you have any recommendations for good alternatives? Perhaps this is why cPanel can keep raising their prices without consequences.


When I integrated CustomBuild into DirectAdmin updates, I felt disadvantaged. In order to have access to the latest hosting components like PHP, Apache, Exim, Dovecot, etc., one must update to the latest version of DirectAdmin. However, updating immediately is not advisable as there is a multi-page forum thread dedicated to addressing fixes for problems that arise with the latest version of DirectAdmin.

In my opinion, it can be frustrating when software updates require further updates to maintain compatibility. I think it's important for developers to ensure smooth transitions between versions to avoid disrupting workflows and causing headaches for users. It's also crucial to provide ample documentation and support resources for users who may encounter issues during updates or upgrades.

Kitty Solam

ScalaHosting is known for being a forward-thinking web hosting provider that values technological advancement and self-reliance over dependency on third-party products. One of their notable accomplishments is the launch of SPanel, a modern control panel that is built to be "cPanel compatible" and offered for free to ScalaHosting customers.

SPanel is a lightweight and intuitive control panel that is suitable for both virtual hosting and virtual private servers (VPS). What sets SPanel apart from other control panels is its security solution called SShield, which provides real-time protection against cyberattacks and has a 99.998% effectiveness rate. Another standout feature is SWordPress, which is a powerful tool designed specifically to manage WordPress sites efficiently and securely.

In addition to SPanel, ScalaHosting is also known for its generosity towards its customers. They offer free website migrations and SSL certificate installations, and they even check whether the migration was successful.

On the other hand, Webmin is an open-source web interface designed for remote management of various server functions such as user accounts, DNS, file sharing, and more. While it is free and relatively lightweight, many users find it more complicated than necessary. It can be integrated with other modules, including third-party ones, but its interface may not be as adequate as its competitors. It may also face scalability issues if your system requires expansion in the future.

In conclusion, choosing the right control panel often boils down to individual preferences and needs. While SPanel offers excellent features and security solutions, Webmin may be a more viable option if you are looking for a simpler and free alternative.


Regarding your consideration of DirectAdmin as an alternative, it's important to conduct a thorough evaluation. While DirectAdmin may offer potential cost savings, the use of Majordomo, an outdated software, presents concerns, particularly when contemplating the migration from Mailman. Outdated software can pose security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues, potentially impacting the reliability and security of your hosting environment in the long term.

Exploring options such as InterWorx demonstrates a proactive approach, although the subscription-based distribution model and the lack of support for AlmaLinux raises valid concerns. Additionally, the absence of anti-spam protection equivalent to ASSP Deluxe with cPanel can be a significant drawback, given the importance of robust spam protection in web hosting environments.

In light of these challenges, I would strongly recommend evaluating Plesk as a potential alternative. Plesk offers a user-friendly interface, robust anti-spam protection, and supports various Linux distributions, including CloudLinux. Its feature set is well-designed for managing web hosting for small client bases with basic requirements, providing a balance of functionality and ease of use.

Furthermore, as the hosting industry continues to evolve rapidly, it's essential to consider long-term scalability and support for emerging technologies. Engaging in discussions within hosting communities, seeking advice from industry experts, and staying updated on the latest developments in hosting control panels can provide valuable insights and help make informed decisions.
Finding a hosting control panel that aligns with your business needs, budget, and technical requirements while prioritizing the seamless experience for your clients is paramount. By carefully weighing the options and considering future growth, you can navigate through these transitions effectively and ensure the continuity of quality hosting services.

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