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Domains for Future Projects

Started by AustinEstrange, Jun 19, 2023, 07:12 AM

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AustinEstrangeTopic starter

Greetings, I have a few queries for experts:

1) I am planning to register numerous domain names for my future projects/startups as I will be serving in the army for a year, and I do not want these domains to be taken during that period of time or even beyond it. Is there a profitable way to purchase domains wholesale, or are there any other options besides special offers from registrars? Additionally, I am interested in services that provide reasonable prices for both domain acquisition and renewal.

2) Assuming that I acquire the domains, how can I redirect them to one website or open a similar site using all the domain names to avoid duplication? Is this even viable? What is the most efficient and cost-effective way to link all domains to an inexpensive server? Or should I not worry about reserving domains for several years without putting them to use?

3) What methods, services, or programs are available for monitoring and managing purchased domains?

I would appreciate any information on these topics: articles, videos, forums, and answers in either English or Russian. Thank you in advance.

Could you provide us with a comprehensive guide on how to reserve a lot of domains at a low cost and redirect them to one site without any issues in the future? Is there a possibility of earning money from this venture, or is it even worth doing?


Upon purchasing domain names and a basic hosting plan, a boundless amount of domain names may be appended to your server address with ease.
In order to do so, you will only need to adjust the nameserver within the domain name's control panel. Additionally, namecheap offers both domain purchase and hosting rental services. If you intend to create a straightforward website, the simplest tariff is adequate for your needs.


There are numerous domains that cybersquatters keep on reserve, in hopes that they will eventually be requested by someone. To acquire them, one can simply go to the domain registrar and register all the required domains, leaving them to remain in the "registered, not delegated" state.

To direct all traffic to a particular website, an individual can go to a hosting service, register their desired domain names there, choose the most affordable plan available, create a singular page, and redirect all domains to the host.

However, I am uncertain of how one could profit from this activity; it seems to be more focused on excessive spending rather than income generation.


One way to obtain a free domain is by using resources that offer low-demand domain zones for selection. For instance, one can choose a domain like domain.ga, which indicates the geographical location of the company in the Gabonese Republic. However, it may be challenging for some users to identify such characteristics on their own, unless they are interested in the origin of the domain zone.

There are benefits to this option, such as obtaining a domain for free usage for a year, with the possibility of extending it for free. A variety of domains are also available, providing the site owner with options to choose from. Additionally, the quality of service for these domains is high.

Despite these advantages, there are downsides. The main one is that the domain name is not well-known, which may raise concerns for users, especially if the resource requires payment. Additionally, the services handling these domains are mostly located abroad, making prompt issue resolution unlikely. Foreign languages may also be required.

To avoid any disappointment when using these domains, it is important to weigh the pros and cons beforehand. It is also crucial to familiarize oneself with the rules and features of the selected domain names.

Another option is to register sites on specialized services where a common first or second-level domain will be used for all resources. However, only the names will differ. Young companies typically choose this option as they want to make themselves known but lack the resources to create a full-fledged resource. The advantage of this approach is the high-quality service, but promotion through other methods may not work. It is essential to evaluate and calculate beforehand to determine if this approach is profitable.


Here's a guide on how to efficiently reserve a large number of domains at a low cost and redirect them to one central website.

1) Registering Domains at Wholesale Prices:
To obtain domains at wholesale prices, consider becoming a member of domain reseller programs offered by accredited registrars. These programs often provide bulk discounts for domain registrations, particularly advantageous if you plan to secure numerous domain names. Participating in these programs can enable you to access lower pricing, making it a cost-effective option for acquiring multiple domains. Additionally, some registrars offer bulk registration tools, allowing you to search for and register multiple domain names at once, saving both time and money. When considering registrars, compare pricing for both domain acquisition and renewal, as some may offer favorable initial purchase rates but higher renewal fees. It's essential to weigh the long-term costs of domain maintenance before making a decision.

2) Redirecting Multiple Domains to One Site:
Domain forwarding is the most efficient way to redirect multiple domains to one central website. Most registrars provide domain forwarding services, enabling you to seamlessly redirect traffic from multiple domains to a single website. When setting up domain forwarding, consider using 301 redirects to inform search engines that the content has permanently moved to the destination domain. This preserves SEO value and helps avoid duplicate content issues. Additionally, consider utilizing domain masking to maintain the original domain name in the browser address bar, providing a seamless user experience.

3) Monitoring and Managing Purchased Domains:
To efficiently monitor and manage multiple domains, consider using domain management platforms or services. These platforms typically offer features such as bulk domain management, domain expiration tracking, DNS management, and security options. Select a domain management solution that aligns with your specific requirements and budget. Additionally, employing domain monitoring services can provide valuable alerts about unauthorized changes and impending domain expiration dates, enabling proactive management to safeguard your domain assets.

Earning Money from Domain Ventures:
While acquiring and redirecting multiple domains can be a strategic move to protect your brand and consolidate your online presence, it's crucial to have clear strategies for monetization. One approach involves creating niche landing pages on each domain and monetizing them through affiliate marketing, lead generation, or targeted advertising. Another option is to develop valuable content on each domain and capitalize on organic traffic and engagement. Carefully assess the potential return on investment and consider ongoing costs associated with maintaining multiple domains. Evaluating potential revenue streams and aligning them with your overall business goals is essential to ensure the venture's profitability and sustainability.
Strategically reserving numerous domains at a low cost and redirecting them to one central website can be a beneficial approach for consolidating your online presence and protecting your brand. By leveraging domain reseller programs, domain forwarding, and robust domain management solutions, you can streamline the process and maximize the value of your domain portfolio. It's essential to carefully weigh the cost-benefit analysis and potential revenue streams to ensure that this venture aligns with your overall business objectives and budget.

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