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Environmental Impact of Waste

Started by Karo Sambhav, Feb 20, 2023, 06:43 AM

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Karo SambhavTopic starter

Waste is a growing global concern, encompassing categories such as plastic, e-waste, glass, and batteries, containing toxic chemicals and heavy metals that can leach into the environment. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of this fact which only compounds the issue further.

Did you know that the contamination caused by these chemicals can lead to detrimental air-borne diseases? The earth, water, and air are all affected by this kind of waste. It is undeniable that something must be done to prevent this from getting worse.

That is where Karo Sambhav comes in, a well-known Producer Responsibility Organisation dedicated to making circularity a way of life. By doing so, they hope to significantly reduce the amount of waste produced, ultimately minimizing its harmful impact on the environment.

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