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Online EPR Registration For Battery Waste:- Complete Guide

Started by Karo Sambhav, Sep 21, 2023, 06:04 AM

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Karo SambhavTopic starter

Have you heard about the new mobile first EPR method for battery waste registration? If not, don't panic; we've got you covered. The battery EPR system aids in the responsible disposal of batteries, so conserving the environment. Let's look at a detailed guide on online EPR registration for battery trash.

Let's get started with the registration procedure. The mobile first EPR registration procedure is straightforward and may be done in a few simple steps. To begin, battery manufacturers must register on the CPCB website.

Finally, the first mobile EPR system for battery recycling encourages responsible waste management. The system collects and disposes of spent batteries in an environmentally responsible manner. To avoid penalties and legal action, battery manufacturers must follow the battery waste guidelines and register with the CPCB. If you are a battery manufacturer or importer, register with the CPCB to help contribute to a greener tomorrow.

Source : https://medium.com/@sambhavkaro4/online-epr-registration-for-battery-waste-complete-guide-7b7b2decb095

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