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Payment Options in India

Started by gromofinance, Nov 10, 2022, 01:38 AM

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gromofinanceTopic starter

EMI Payment has two methods of payment, online and offline.

The online method involves entering your credit or debit card number on your bank's official website, which deducts your EMI amount from your account each month automatically.

The offline method requires you to pay through cash or check at the bank. Additionally, you can choose to pay more than the predetermined amount of interest each month to reduce your loan amount and EMI payment amount. Note that some banks offer this feature while others do not.

By becoming a GroMo partner, you can share this reliable information about EMI payments and become a trusted loan expert in your network. You can also earn extra income of over 50,000 rupees per month as commission by selling personal loan plans from 50+ different banks with GroMo.

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