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Circular Economy For Plastic Waste

Started by Karo Sambhav, Sep 26, 2022, 05:52 AM

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Karo SambhavTopic starter

A major hurdle in achieving a circular economy for plastics is the insufficient knowledge surrounding recycled plastic waste. Currently, there is little to no incentive for manufacturers of plastics and packaging to prioritize recyclability or reusability throughout the product development process. However, it is imperative that end-of-life considerations are taken into account. Industry guidelines have been established to aid packaging manufacturers, brand owners, and retailers in their efforts to incorporate recyclability principles into their design processes. These guidelines advocate for the reduction of colorants, labels, sleeves, and adhesives to simplify the recycling process.

To effectively manage plastic waste disposal in a sustainable manner, awareness of its significance and best practices must be increased. Karo Sambhav offers a comprehensive plastic waste classification training and awareness program covering the basics of plastic waste classification, different types of waste, and actionable steps to reduce carbon footprints.

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