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Circular Economy: Solutions For A Sustainable Future

Started by Karo Sambhav, May 16, 2023, 02:38 AM

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Karo SambhavTopic starter

Have you heard volumes about circular economy sustainability? Not sure what a circular economy model includes? Well, the well-thought waste management model primarily focuses on 4 R's - reduce, reuse, refurbish, and recycle. Thus, 'Reduce' refers to the reduction in the consumption of goods and especially raw materials that end up as waste plaguing landfills. One of the greatest ways to improve the value of products is by extending the usage of a product. Also, by reusing products, there is a greater chance of lowering the increasing piles of toxic waste in dump zones. Another great way to add to the life of products is by refurbishing or reprocessing the materials of a product for further or newer use. This works wonders in abating waste. Finally, recycling is the only promising way to dwindle waste generation and eventually upgrade the environmental conditions. Karo Sambhav, a reputed PRO in India, is working towards expanding and introducing a wider adoption of circular economy model.

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