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Fulfillment Center Vs. Warehouse

Started by usaawl7, Dec 08, 2022, 02:43 AM

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usaawl7Topic starter

The warehouse and the fulfillment center are often considered the same because they belong to the same industry. However, they differ greatly from each other. They are both large buildings used for storing inventory, but this is where the similarities end. The choice to use one over the other depends entirely on the needs of the company. AWL is a leading warehouse logistics company that offers advanced technology-enabled solutions for both warehousing and fulfillment centers.

Businesses that deal with bulk quantities usually opt for warehouses as they are cost-effective. On the other hand, a fulfillment center serves as a warehouse, but a warehouse cannot serve as a fulfillment center. AWL has introduced modern technology-enabled warehouses through their "Warehouse As A Solution" (WAAS) program, which gives businesses a competitive edge.

While both warehouses and fulfillment centers are part of the supply chain process, they serve different purposes. Warehouses store products for later use, while fulfillment centers store products for a short duration and manage the entire order fulfillment process, including pick-and-pack and efficient delivery to customers.  Check out AWL's blog for more information on the differences between fulfillment centers and warehouses.

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