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What is a circular flow of economic activity

Started by Karo Sambhav, Feb 16, 2023, 02:32 AM

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Karo SambhavTopic starter

Have you ever heard of the circular flow of economic activity? It is a fundamental concept within strategic waste management practices. A market economy typically employs this model to illustrate the production and consumption of goods and services. One of the central ideas behind a circular economy is that waste can be viewed as a new and valuable resource.

This approach encourages eco-friendly product design that emphasizes extended use and durability. When products inevitably reach the end of their lifecycle, the focus shifts to repurposing or recycling materials rather than throwing them away.

However, it's worth noting that recycling rates in the informal sector remain quite low. Therefore, a circular economy places an obligation on producers and manufacturers to partner with authorized recyclers to reduce waste creation.

Karo Sambhav is a Producer Responsibility Organisation (PRO) in India that helps businesses and bulk consumers integrate circularity into their daily operations. Through their efforts, they help promote more sustainable, responsible waste management practices.

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