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EPR Authorization of e-Waste

Started by Karo Sambhav, Mar 11, 2023, 03:18 AM

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Karo SambhavTopic starter

Do you often hear environmentalists talking about the increasing challenges of e-waste? Since the industrial revolution, there has been a rise in technology and technological devices. This leads to a growing amount of waste, which poses a bigger threat to the sustainability and environment of the planet. EPR authorization is a strategic effort to reduce the escalating volumes of e-waste. How does it work? EPR, or Extended Producer Responsibility, assigns the responsibility of collecting, treating, and disposing of the products to manufacturers, importers, and brand owners. If you didn't know already, EPR authorization is now mandatory to address and prevent the increasing amounts of toxic electronic waste. PROs like Karo Sambhav help companies comply with EPR regulations and requirements.

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