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Burgeoning Problem in India

Started by Karo Sambhav, Nov 12, 2022, 03:21 AM

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Karo SambhavTopic starter

One solution that comes to mind when considering how to dispose of batteries in India is the implementation of structured and monitored waste collection sites. However, it seems that not everyone is aware of the existence of listed waste management companies or proper waste collection sites. As a result, many people continue to discard their spent batteries in the open without understanding the potential hazards.

To address this issue, information, education, and communication (IEC) campaigns could be implemented to raise awareness about the growing problem of battery waste in India and promote responsible disposal methods.

There are businesses in India, such as Karo Sambhav, that practice circular economy principles to ensure that valuable resources remain in a closed loop. This approach involves responsible recycling of batteries, maximizing the extraction of valuable components and promoting their refurbishment and reuse, which decreases the need for mining and reduces mindless trashing.

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