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Waste Management

Started by Karo Sambhav, Nov 15, 2022, 03:22 AM

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Karo SambhavTopic starter

To combat the growing issue of illegal dumping of e-garbage, governments worldwide are implementing proactive measures through strategic electronic waste management. Merely collecting, transporting, and treating waste products is no longer sufficient for handling e-waste safely, as it poses a severe threat to the environment and human health. India ranks as the third-largest producer of electronic waste globally, generating over 3.4 lakh tonnes of waste, with only 22.7% of it being efficiently treated and recycled. As a result, zero waste management has become a vital priority.

In addition to recycling electronics, salvaging the resources used to create these products and reusing them in production cycles is crucial. This approach reduces the impacts of careless mining and conserves finite resources that are constantly depleting. To strengthen this initiative, strict EPR compliance policies have been put into action. Karo Sambhav, a renowned producer responsibility organization in India, offers a proactive cradle-to-cradle approach to guided waste management, encouraging businesses and individuals to recover, recycle and reuse products efficiently.

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