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Python ML

Started by AlexAres, Nov 01, 2022, 09:34 PM

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AlexAresTopic starter

Python is recognized as the most widely used language for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, particularly in relation to data analysis. Although some companies suggest using C++ as an alternative due to its speed advantage, it requires manual writing of ALL operations as there are not sufficient libraries for C++.

Do you believe it would be necessary to create frameworks specifically for C++, to make it a more viable option for ML and AI tasks?


The table below outlines the primary differences between C++ and Python as programming languages.

Python is an interpreted language that doesn't require compilation; code can be passed directly to Python interpreter for execution.

C++, on the other hand, is a compiled language that converts code written by the programmer into executable code which then gets executed.

C++ has a more complex syntax and many functions, making it difficult to write code in this language.

Compared to C++, Python has a much simpler syntax, making it much easier to write programs.

Static/Dynamic Typing:
C++ is a statically typed language that checks data types at compile time, protecting the source code from errors during runtime.

Dynamic typing in Python can lead to errors since data type checks are performed during runtime.

Python is cross-platform and portable, enabling code to run on different devices.

C++ is not portable and needs to be compiled for each specific platform.

Garbage Collection/Memory Management:
Memory must be managed manually in C++, as there is no automatic garbage collection.

Python, however, supports automatic garbage collection, which makes memory management automatic.

In conclusion, both C++ and Python have their advantages and disadvantages depending on the task at hand. While C++ is faster and has a lower level of abstraction, it can also be more challenging to write code in due to its complex syntax. Python, on the other hand, has a more straightforward syntax and vast libraries, with the trade-off of slower speed. Understanding the differences between these two programming languages can help developers choose the right tool for the job.


Python is indeed a popular language for machine learning and artificial intelligence due to its extensive libraries and ease of use. While C++ is known for its speed advantage, it lacks the same level of support and dedicated libraries for these tasks.

Creating frameworks specifically for C++ could potentially make it a more viable option for ML and AI tasks. Frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch have greatly contributed to Python's popularity in this domain, so similar frameworks for C++ could help bridge the gap.

However, it's worth noting that developing such frameworks is a complex task and may require significant time and resources. Additionally, the Python ecosystem is already rich with tools and libraries, which may make it more challenging for C++ frameworks to gain widespread adoption.

points to consider:

1. Performance: One of the main advantages of using C++ for ML and AI is its superior performance compared to Python. C++ can be highly optimized, making it ideal for computationally intensive tasks. Creating frameworks specifically for C++ could further enhance its performance by leveraging low-level optimizations.

2. Portability: C++ is a widely supported language across different platforms and architectures. Developing dedicated frameworks for C++ could make it easier to deploy ML and AI models on various systems without worrying about compatibility issues.

3. Existing Libraries: While it's true that Python has a vast collection of libraries for ML and AI, there are also many robust libraries available for C++, such as Eigen, Dlib, and OpenCV. These libraries, combined with dedicated frameworks, can make C++ a more attractive option for developers who prefer this language.

4. Integration with Existing Codebase: Many companies already have large codebases written in C++. For these organizations, creating frameworks specifically for C++ would allow them to seamlessly integrate ML and AI capabilities into their existing code without having to rewrite everything in Python.

5. Community Support: Python has a strong and active community that continuously contributes to its ML and AI ecosystem. Creating dedicated frameworks for C++ would require building a similar support network to foster collaboration, share knowledge, and maintain the frameworks over time.

and more:

1. Compatibility with Existing Tools: Python has well-established tools and libraries like NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learn that are widely used in the ML and AI community. These tools often have Python-specific APIs, making it easier to integrate them into existing workflows. Creating dedicated frameworks for C++ would require ensuring compatibility with these tools or developing alternative equivalents.

2. Developer Experience: Python is known for its simplicity and readability, which makes it beginner-friendly and easier to prototype. C++, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve and requires more attention to low-level details. Developing C++ frameworks for ML and AI would need to address this challenge and provide an intuitive and developer-friendly experience.

3. Adoption and Ecosystem: Python's popularity in the ML and AI community has led to a rich ecosystem of resources, tutorials, and community support. It may take time for C++ frameworks to gain similar traction and adoption. Developers may also need to invest in learning new tools and frameworks, which could be a barrier to entry.

4. Trade-offs: While C++ offers advantages in terms of performance, there are trade-offs to consider. Python's dynamic typing and higher-level abstractions make it easier to write and maintain code. C++ may require more manual memory management and expose developers to potential pitfalls if not handled carefully.

5. Use Case Considerations: It's essential to consider the specific use cases and requirements when deciding between Python and C++. For some applications where speed is critical, such as real-time inference on resource-constrained devices, C++ may be a better choice. However, for rapid prototyping, experimentation, and ease of use, Python is often preferred.

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