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Own webhosting

Started by anhyeuviolet, Oct 05, 2022, 03:06 AM

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anhyeuvioletTopic starter

Hey everyone,

I'm currently working on a graduate programming project where I plan to create a cross-platform messenger. My objective is to develop a website version (ASP.NET), a mobile version (Android Studio) and a desktop version (WPF) of the messenger. However, I've encountered a challenge while trying to establish a server and webhosting for the messenger.

Initially, I tried to create a server through Open Server but unfortunately, it only worked on a local network and didn't function beyond that. As a result, I am interested in developing my own server as I'm not willing to pay for web hosting services. If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations on how I can go about this, I'm open to exploring other options.

It's important that the web server is not only capable of hosting the site but it should also be able to function as a server for the application that processes incoming requests from clients and work with the database.


If you are not interested in taking responsibility for the technical side of issues, becoming a corporate billing reseller in a normal organization is an alternative worth considering.

To do this, you will have to purchase a cheap VDS for billing purposes, obtain a BILLmanager Advanced billing license and install the billing software on the acquired VDS. After completing these steps, you will need to analyze statistics of other companies offering dedicated VDS servers in countries like Germany, Canada and other places around the world.

During your research, pay attention to available SSL certificates as well as the ability to resell domain names. Once your analysis is complete, register as a partner and work with the administration to enable the resale billing option on your account.

If you plan to host multiple projects, it would be wise to consider purchasing a corporate billing package.

Creating your own hosting requires careful consideration and planning. Ensure that you register domain names with a dotcom extension through a reputable foreign registrar. Additionally, you should hire experienced server administrators to ensure the smooth running of your project.

It's also important to have reliable backups in place to ensure that your project can quickly recover from any unforeseen failures.


To host a website, a suitable internet connection with good download and upload speeds is necessary. Typically, residential internet connections offer high download speeds but low upload speeds.

The speed at which your website data can be downloaded by users is crucial. Additionally, the number of users accessing the site simultaneously will also impact the connection quality.

To ensure that your internet connection is up to par, you can use tools like speed testing. It's also important to check with your internet service provider (ISP) for any data restrictions on your connection.

If your ISP imposes data restrictions or reduces your speed when you exceed the limit, you may need to switch to a different provider.


One option to consider for hosting your own server is setting up a dedicated server. This would involve acquiring physical hardware or renting a dedicated server from a hosting provider, and then installing and configuring the necessary software to handle web hosting, application server functions, and database management. However, setting up a dedicated server can be complex and may incur costs for hardware and maintenance.

Another option to explore is using a virtual private server (VPS), which provides a more affordable and scalable solution compared to a dedicated server. With a VPS, you can have more control over the server environment and install the required software and services to meet your project's needs.

In terms of the server software, you may consider using open-source solutions such as Apache HTTP Server or Nginx for web hosting, along with technologies like Node.js or ASP.NET Core for handling server-side logic in your applications. For database management, you could utilize options such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB depending on your specific requirements.

It's important to ensure that the server is secured with proper firewall configurations, SSL/TLS encryption for data transmission, and regular security updates to protect against potential vulnerabilities.

While hosting your own server can offer control and customization, it also requires technical expertise in server administration, maintenance, and security. Consider the long-term implications of managing and maintaining a self-hosted server, including backup solutions, scalability, and reliability.
Setting up your own server for hosting a cross-platform messenger and handling application server functions is a viable option, but it requires careful planning, technical knowledge, and consideration of the ongoing maintenance and security requirements. If you opt to go this route, thorough research and possibly seeking advice from experienced system administrators or IT professionals would be beneficial.

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