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IDNF Users needed

Started by ZoriWser, Oct 18, 2023, 12:31 AM

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ZoriWserTopic starter

Is there anyone using IDNF?
If you are, could you kindly reach out to an administrator or staff person to inform them that registration verification emails aren't going through? There is a high chance that the contact form messages are also not getting delivered.

I appreciate your help!
Just to clarify for moderators: I'm not promoting anything. I am well aware that idn domains aren't popular here, and that the mentioned site is practically inactive.


If you're experiencing issues with IDNF, I suggest you try a few things:

Check your email's Spam or Junk folder. Occasionally, verification emails can accidentally land there.
Ensure that you provided the correct email address during registration.
If there's an option to resend the verification email, use it.
If the site has any social media profiles or other contact information available, reach out to admins/support via those channels.

IDNF stands for Internet Domain Name Forum, a place where participants can discuss, buy, sell, and appraise domain names. It's essentially a community for people interested in the domain name industry.

The specifics of how IDNF functions can vary, and it may host a variety of features, such as:

Discussion threads on various topics related to domain names
Classified listings for buying and selling domain names
Educational resources for understanding the domain name marketplace
Tools or resources for appraising the value of domain names
And possibly more, depending on the forum

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