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New Programming Languages

Started by inaevrodom, Jun 20, 2022, 02:55 AM

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inaevrodomTopic starter

programming languages, which are used as a foundation for creating software, applications, and utilities for various devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and PCs.

There are two main types of programming languages: written language software, such as C#, VB, and C++, and Microsoft's languages that are supported by the .Net Framework, which is the most commonly used platform for integrating language support for web developers and software. The development of programming languages has gone through four stages, with each stage making the language simpler, clearer, stronger, and more dynamic. C# is currently the most commonly used language by web developers and software due to its clear syntax and ease of upgrading.

However, further improvements to C# present a challenge to those seeking to create a new language that can replace it. The creators of various programming languages include Larry Wall, Dennis Ritchie, James Gosling, Rasmus Lerdorf, Anders Hejlsberg, and many others.


programming languages that are recommended to be learned in 2023 for job opportunities and future prospects. The languages include Python, Java, C/C++, JavaScript, Go programming language, R, Swift, and PHP.


Swift was initially created by Apple for use on their operating systems, but it is now being used on other systems, including Android. It is similar to C, C++, and Objective-C and is fast, secure, and easy to use, making it an increasingly popular choice for game development.

ReasonML is an object-functional language developed by Facebook as a safer and faster version of JavaScript. Its syntax is similar to JS and it is an extension of the functional language OCaml. The language is immutable with a strict type system and integrates well with JS, making it suitable for React applications.

Ballerina, created by WSO2, is a static typed language designed for cloud computing. Its syntax is based on a combination of Go, Java, JavaScript, and Python. Ballerina is particularly notable for its cross-platform capabilities and focus on integration, with special modules that simplify interaction between various services.


These individuals have made significant contributions to the field of programming languages.
Larry Wall is known for creating the Perl programming language, which is widely used in web development and system administration. Dennis Ritchie is credited with creating the C programming language, which has had a major impact on the development of operating systems and other software.

James Gosling is the creator of Java, a popular language for developing cross-platform applications. Rasmus Lerdorf created PHP, a scripting language used primarily for web development. Anders Hejlsberg played a key role in the development of several Microsoft programming languages, including Turbo Pascal, Delphi, C#, and TypeScript.
These are just a few examples of the many individuals who have contributed to the creation of programming languages.

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