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cURL technology

Started by peterwiter, Jan 05, 2023, 03:32 AM

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peterwiterTopic starter

I am not familiar with cURL technology. Could you explain its practical uses and in which scenarios it is applied?

As far as I understand, cURL allows for server-side requests to be made instead of front-end requests. Is that correct?

Also, is it possible for one function to pass another at a different address when using cURL?


One can practically use simple functions like fopen() and file_get_contents() to write client requests. These functions have some wrappers such as http://, ftp://, ssh2://, and ogg:// protocols. The most commonly used one is HTTP(s).

If allow_url_fopen is enabled, requests via these functions can be made by accessing URLs in PHP. To compare this with cURL, there is a wider array of features available in cURL that do not require manual implementation. However, almost anything can be implemented manually using fsockopen().

When using file_get_contents(), cookies can be sent or received by adding or reading headers. On the other hand, cURL allows one to specify the file more easily.


cURL is a software that provides the libcurl library and the curl command line tool. It offers a wide range of possibilities, including transferring data to or from a server using various protocols, such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and more.

This command can be run without user interaction, and it's pre-installed in most Linux distributions. It can be used for various purposes, such as accessing URLs outside of a browser, working within shell scripts, and testing APIs.

One of the most common applications of cURL is to test APIs, which involves inserting commands found on the internet. However, there are various other commands and options available to better understand its features.

For example, the curl command can be used to execute an HTTP GET request and display static content, similar to viewing the source code in a browser. Additionally, it can be used to download files with different names or multiple files simultaneously, and obtain HTTP headers.

Furthermore, if testing a web application or API with self-signed or incorrect SSL certificates, cURL can ignore certificate errors using the -k or -insecure option. Lastly, it allows sending data for testing via a POST request and specifying the type of HTTP request used to communicate with the server.


I can tell you that cURL is a powerful tool for making HTTP requests from the command line or from within a script or programming language. It's not limited to server-side requests, as it can be used both on the server and client side. One of the key practical uses of cURL is for automating the testing of APIs and web services. It allows developers to send various types of requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) to a server and inspect the responses, which is crucial for building and debugging web applications.

In addition to API testing, cURL is commonly used for fetching data from remote servers, downloading files, and performing tasks like monitoring website uptime, simulating form submissions, and more. It's also a valuable tool in web scraping, where data is extracted from websites for various purposes such as competitive analysis, research, or content aggregation.

Regarding your question about passing one function to another at a different address, cURL supports the transfer of data between different URLs using its numerous options and parameters, enabling the seamless communication between different endpoints on the web. This means that data obtained from one request can be passed to another function or endpoint to perform additional processing or actions, making it a versatile tool for orchestrating complex workflows across the web.
cURL is widely applied in scenarios where automated HTTP requests, data retrieval, and web interaction are required. Its flexibility and robust feature set make it an essential tool for web developers, system administrators, and anyone working with web technologies.

Here are a few cURL code examples that showcase its versatility:

1. Making a GET request:
curl https://api.example.com/data

This simple command sends a GET request to the specified URL and outputs the response to the terminal.

2. Sending form data with a POST request:
curl -X POST -d "username=admin&password=12345" https://example.com/login

In this example, cURL sends a POST request with form data to the login endpoint of a website.

3. Downloading a file:
curl -O https://example.com/file.zip

Using the '-O' option, cURL downloads the file from the specified URL and saves it with the same name as in the URL.

4. Specifying request headers:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" https://api.example.com/data

Here, cURL includes the specified header in the request while accessing the API endpoint.

5. Following redirects:
curl -L https://example.com

The '-L' option tells cURL to follow any redirects, allowing it to retrieve the content from the final destination after following the redirection chain.

6. Uploading a file with a POST request:
curl -X POST -F "file=@/path/to/local/file.txt" https://example.com/upload

In this case, cURL sends a POST request with a file upload, where the '@' symbol specifies the path to the local file.

These examples illustrate some of the ways cURL can be utilized to interact with web services, download files, and perform various HTTP requests. Its flexibility and ease of use make it a valuable tool for web developers and system administrators alike.

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