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✅✅ Cost-Effective Web Hosting Support

Started by gvanbics, Aug 29, 2024, 02:11 AM

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gvanbicsTopic starter

Are you tired of dealing with day to day challenges of managing your servers and providing support to your web hosting clients? Are you seeking to hire an extended team to assist with your onshore tech support? Your search ends here! SupportSages is ready to streamline your operations and offer exceptional support to your customers.

Who are we?
SupportSages is a leading server management and web hosting helpdesk support company with over 14 years of solid experience. Our passionate team is committed to delivering outstanding support, ensuring your customers receive the highest level of satisfaction.

What do we offer?
We provide a variety of flexible and customized support plans that meet your unique needs. Here's an overview of our most popular plans:

1. Dedicated Helpdesk Support Plan: With our Dedicated Helpdesk Support Plan, you'll have a team of experienced professionals solely dedicated to managing your support tickets. We work as an extension of your team, offering 24/7 assistance, ticket management, troubleshooting, and proactive server monitoring. Find out more about our Dedicated Helpdesk Support plan.

Individual Tech Levels    L1    L2    L3    L3E    DevOps
Control Panels    cPanel/DirectAdmin/Plesk    Any    Any    Any    Any
Ansible / Terraform / IaC    No    No    Ansible    Ansible    Yes
Price per tech per month    $999    $1199    $1499    $1999    Starting from $1999
   Order NOW!!    Order NOW!!    Order NOW!!    Order NOW!!    Contact Us!!
Dedicated Team (4+1+1)*    $3500    $4500    $5800    $7600    Starting from $8000

*4+1+1 = 4 Regular Techs + 1 Backup Tech + 1 Technical Account Manager (L3 experienced)

2. Quasi Dedicated Plan: Our Quasi Dedicated Plan is a budget-friendly option for those who need expert support but may not require a fully dedicated team. This plan includes fewer shared clients, ensuring quicker responses and more personalized service. Find out more about our Quasi Dedicated Plans.

Features    Leader    Champion    Coach
Level of Support    L1, L2 & L3    L1, L2 & L3    L1, L2 & L3 + DevOps
Live Chat Support (Technical - L1 & L2)    Yes    Yes    Yes
Live Chat Support (Sales & Pre-Sales)    No    Yes    Yes
Number of Helpdesk tickets (Per month)    150    300    500
Number of Live Chats (Per month)    50    100    200
Number of Servers supported    Unlimited    Unlimited    Unlimited
Price (Per month)    $499    $799    $1499

3. Semi-Dedicated Plans: Our Semi-Dedicated Plans cater to businesses with varying support needs. You'll have access to a shared team of skilled technicians who will promptly and effectively manage your support tickets. Learn more about our Semi Dedicated Plans.

Features    Sangha    Abbots    Masters
Level of Support    L1, L2 & L3    L1, L2 & L3    L1, L2 & L3 + DevOps
Number of clients per team    2    2    2
Live Chat Support (Sales & Pre-Sales)    No    Yes    Yes
Number of Helpdesk tickets (Per day)    25L1/6L2/3L3    40L1/12L2/6L3    50L1/20L2/10L3
Number of Live Chats (Per month)    50    100    200
Number of Servers supported    <30    <80    <150
Documentation / Technical Blogs    3    5    10
Price (Per month)    $1800    $2500    $4000

4. Per Server Helpdesk, LiveChat & Server Management Plans: Every bussiness starts small with just one server. We have grown alongside our customers and love working with those who have a vision to expand their hosting bussiness. If you are just starting out and have less than 10 servers, our per server management plan is perfect for you! If you have more servers, check out our Quasi Dedicated plans, as they may offer you a better value! Find out more about our Per Server Plan.

Features (Per month)    Silver    Gold    Platinum
24/7 Helpdesk Support    L1 + L2 + L3    L1 + L2 + L3    L1 + L2 + L3
Live Chat Support (Technical - L1 & L2)    No    No    Yes
Live Chat Support (Sales & Pre-Sales)    No    No    Yes
Number of Helpdesk tickets    Unlimited    Unlimited    Unlimited
Number of Live Chats    0    0    Unlimited
Control Panel    Needed    Not Needed    Not Needed
Price (per month)    $59    $89    $129

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