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hаcker's proxy on webhosting

Started by MikeNielson, Nov 12, 2022, 12:56 AM

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MikeNielsonTopic starter

After hacking the site, I found the IP address in the server logs. According to the 2ip Host service, this IP belongs to the hosting creanova.org. However, it's possible that the hacker made a proxy on the hosting for anonymity or hacked someone else's website hosted on creanova.org for the same purposes. Despite the hacker's other actions indicating a lack of experience, such as not changing file edit dates or cleaning server logs, shells filled with him were still found.
The question then arises: what is the likelihood that the webhosting provider still has their real IP address and the hacker did not use a proxy chain, meaning they can be held accountable? This scenario has piqued my curiosity about what can be done regarding an inexperienced hacker.


In a perfect spherical world, the hosting provider would have cooperated in searching the logs and potentially identifying an IP address for legal action. However, in reality, Finnish hosting company CreaNova is unlikely to assist in such matters. Even with state involvement, it's difficult to hold anyone accountable without connections or influence.

Many advocate for online anonymity, citing tools like Tor and i2p as vital components of their privacy. However, this anonymity can easily backfire on those who champion it.

It's estimated that 90% of the time, a proxy chain was used in situations like these. This places the perpetrator at risk for closure of the UPU and possibly even arrest and fines.

As a side note, while online anonymity is important, it's also essential to act responsibly and ethically online to avoid legal trouble.

ryan reynold

Nowadays, the media is replete with messages about online privacy threats from various sources such as governments, hackers, and malware. Meanwhile, companies like Google, Facebook, and the NSA collect vast amounts of data, leaving individuals vulnerable to potential online hazards. Consequently, it has become crucial for people to employ advanced security measures to protect themselves.

When discussing online privacy tools, we often hear of services like VPN, Tor, and proxies. In this article, we will differentiate between VPNs and proxies.

VPN and Proxy Servers
Both VPNs and proxy servers are designed to keep your online activities private and anonymous. In their default mode, these services connect you to a remote computer. However, they differ in how they operate.

Various news articles highlight different privacy concerns and risks that require different levels of security measures. While some tasks can be quickly achieved using a proxy server, sensitive issues may require more complex measures.

What is a Proxy? When should I use one?
A proxy server acts as an intermediary between your device and a website or service. This special server applies a web filter to your web browser, making it appear as if your web activity originates from the IP address of the proxy server rather than your device's IP address. You can easily set up a proxy in your web browser or operating system and specify which websites you want to access through the proxy server.

When should you use a proxy server? A proxy server does not encrypt your traffic, so your messages remain open and unencrypted, making it possible for hаckers to track you. As a result, proxies are not suitable for tasks requiring a high level of privacy, and redirecting all internet connections through a proxy server is ill-advised.

A proxy server is recommended for accessing websites and services with limited access and crаcking IP application restrictions.

What is a VPN? When should I use a VPN?
Like a proxy server, a VPN reroutes your web traffic as if it comes from a remote location, thereby enabling you to bypass geographical and ISP restrictions. However, a VPN encrypts all network traffic, making it impossible for your messages to be tracked by hаckers.

As a result of this enhanced security, VPN services tend to be more expensive than proxy servers. Nevertheless, potential VPN users can benefit from using a VPS with various high-quality parameters at an affordable cost. Finally, it's recommended to use a VPS Administration service for easier VPN installation and server administration.


It's important to understand that the use of proxies and anonymizing tools by hackers is not uncommon. Hackers often employ various techniques to obfuscate their real IP addresses, making it challenging to track them down.
In this case, the fact that the IP address is associated with the hosting creanova.org raises concerns about the possibility of the hacker using the hosting as a proxy for anonymity. It's imperative to conduct a comprehensive forensic analysis of the server logs and any available network traffic data to ascertain whether a proxy chain was utilized. This involves examining the source and destination IP addresses in the network packets to identify any intermediary proxy servers.

Furthermore, considering the hacker's lack of experience in covering their tracks, such as not altering file edit dates or cleaning server logs, there is a possibility that they may have overlooked proxy-related artifacts. These artifacts could provide valuable insights into whether a proxy chain was used and potentially lead to the discovery of the hacker's real IP address.
Collaboration with the hosting provider's technical team is essential to determine the extent of their logging and monitoring capabilities. The hosting provider may have logged additional information that could shed light on the true origin of the malicious activities.

From a legal perspective, it's important to consult with law enforcement and legal experts to understand the implications of holding the hosting provider accountable for the hacker's actions. The applicability of laws and regulations related to cybersecurity, data protection, and liability varies across jurisdictions, and it's crucial to navigate these complexities meticulously.

Regarding the inexperienced hacker, this scenario underscores the significance of proactive security measures, such as robust intrusion detection systems, log monitoring, and incident response procedures. Educating individuals about cybersecurity best practices and the potential consequences of engaging in malicious activities is also vital in mitigating such incidents in the future.
The investigation into the likelihood of the webhosting provider retaining the real IP address of the hacker requires a multifaceted approach encompassing technical analysis, collaboration with the hosting provider, and legal considerations. By leveraging expertise in cybersecurity, digital forensics, and legal frameworks, a comprehensive assessment can be conducted to determine accountability and address the actions of the inexperienced hacker.

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