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IPv6 Blocking Techniques in .htaccess

Started by Paisealia, Oct 29, 2024, 12:16 AM

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PaisealiaTopic starter

I'm currently leveraging a.htaccess entry to enforce IPv6 blocking, which is functioning as expected. However, I'd like to streamline the process by blocking a specific prefix ('2a07') at the outset.

Here's my current configuration:

order allow,deny

deny from 2a07:ac82::/32

deny from 2a07:ac83::/32

deny from 2a07:ac84::/32

deny from 2a07:ac86::/32

deny from 2a07:ac87::/32

deny from env=bad_bot

allow from all


While this setup works, I'd prefer to block the '2a07' prefix outright, rather than enumerating each subnet individually. I've attempted to use a wildcard approach, but it doesn't seem to be effective.

For instance, I've tried using the following syntax:

order allow,deny

deny from 2a07::/32

deny from env=bad_bot

allow from all


I've also experimented with a more explicit notation, such as 2a07:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000/32, but to no avail.

It appears that the first hextet ('2a07') cannot be blocked using this method, or perhaps I'm simply not utilizing the correct syntax. Can anyone shed some light on this issue?


The problem lies in the fact that the deny from directive in Apache's .htaccess file doesn't support wildcard notation for IPv6 addresses. The syntax you've tried, deny from 2a07::/32, is not a valid IPv6 subnet notation.

The correct syntax to block a specific IPv6 prefix would be to use a subnet mask that matches the prefix length. In this case, the 2a07 prefix is 16 bits long, so you would need to use a subnet mask of /16. However, Apache's deny from directive doesn't support this notation.

A possible solution would be to use a different approach, such as using a RewriteRule with a condition that checks the IP address. For example:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} ^2a07:[0-9a-fA-F:]+$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^ - [F]

This will block any IP address that starts with the 2a07 prefix.

I'd like to add that this issue is not specific to Apache, but rather a limitation of the IPv6 subnet notation. The deny from directive is simply not designed to handle wildcard notation for IPv6 addresses.


By nullifying the AAAA record in the DNS configuration, all incoming traffic, including visitors and crawlers, will be routed through IPv4. This shift is advantageous due to the relatively scarce IPv4 address space, resulting in more precise geolocation databases, accurately configured reverse DNS (rDNS) records, and a more straightforward IP landscape.
Consequently, this simplification will significantly facilitate both traffic analysis and IP blocking, allowing for more effective management of network security and access control. Furthermore, this approach can also aid in the mitigation of IP spoofing and other malicious activities that often exploit the complexities of IPv6 addressing.


Eliminate the redundant directive by stripping the reference to:

Limit GET POST HEAD - effectively blackholing any incoming requests; order allow,deny and allow from all - this triple-redundancy is a classic case of 'config cruft' (unnecessary code), so let's streamline it by blocking IP addresses outright, unless, of course, there are explicit whitelisting rules in place (i.e., 'allow' directives) that supersede this blanket ban.

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