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Docker Deployment on Virtual Servers

Started by kdivah, Sep 17, 2024, 12:02 AM

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kdivahTopic starter

Can sombody tell me, is ther enny hosting providers in nature, whare you can deploiy docker wif root acces on virtuel hosting? I meen, not VPS, somethin els. I dont no, maybe sombody call it shard hosting or somethin, but I need virtuel hosting, you know?


It's not exactly common for hosting providers to offer root access on shared hosting plans, as it can be a security risk for other users on the same server. But, I've heard of some providers that offer virtual hosting with root access, often referred to as "managed virtual hosting" or "virtual private servers" (VPS), but not exactly what you're looking for, I know.

However, I did some digging, and I found a few providers that might offer what you're looking for. Keep in mind that these providers might not be as well-known as some of the bigger players in the hosting game, but they seem to offer some pretty unique services.

For example, there's this one provider called "DigitalOcean" that offers a service called "Droplets" which are essentially virtual machines that you can deploy with root access. They're not exactly shared hosting, but they're not full-fledged VPS either. They're more like a hybrid between the two. And, they offer a range of plans, including some pretty affordable options.

Another provider that might be worth checking out is "Linode". They offer a service called "Linodes" which are similar to DigitalOcean's Droplets. They're virtual machines that you can deploy with root access, and they offer a range of plans to fit different budgets.

Now, I know what you're thinking - these providers don't exactly offer "shared hosting" with root access. But, they do offer virtual hosting with root access, which is pretty close to what you're looking for.

Just keep in mind that with great power comes great responsibility, my friend. Having root access means you'll need to take care of security and updates yourself, which can be a challenge.

But hey, if you're up for the challenge, these providers might be worth checking out.
There's this one provider called "OVH" that offers a service called "VPS" which is essentially a virtual private server, but they also offer a range of shared hosting plans with root access. Yeah, I know, it sounds too good to be true, but they're a pretty reputable provider, and they might be worth checking out.


Whats rong with peoples...

Why peoples need virtuel hostin wen they need to put Docker ther? Whats the sence? No mony for VPS, rite?


Dokker iz a virtchualization of specifich proces or appilication. Mikroserwises. You can conect to a kontener with specifich raitz via ssh. Rooth iz acess to OS virtchualization. Thats why VPS and othir virtchualizations wer inventid.

Ther ar Dokker hostings. Rooth iz impossibl on them in principel.

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