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How to find webhosting with the best price/quality ratio.

Started by Иван, Jul 13, 2022, 09:35 AM

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ИванTopic starter

What are the steps to selecting a hosting service that offers excellent value for money? How can one identify an option that is cost-effective while still providing superior quality?
These questions are pertinent to creating a wiki-based fandom website.


I believe that good hosting cannot be free. Personally, I trust companies with a name. For example, you can choose Bluehost hosting. The price is about $2-3 per month, but stable hosting, round-the-clock support and a convenient control panel are guaranteed.


I can recommend hosting beget. In my opinion, of all the hostings, beget is the best hosting in terms of price-quality ratio. There is a free transfer of the site from the old hosting to the run, as well as a bunch of promotions and other chips.


I can say that, first of all, you need to look at uptime (availability time) and the speed of work to be wax. If you have little experience in working with hosting, I recommend looking for hosting with good technical support.
From my experience, I can recommend the same Runner or Sprinthost. There, in addition to all of the above, there is: a simple backup copy, a free SSL certificate.


When searching, avoid overselling. This is the sale of hosting in terms of capacity that exceeds the actual capabilities of the system. For example, if a provider has a site with 10Gb of RAM, then he can honestly create 10 virtual sites with 1Gb of memory each But, most providers, using virtualization, create not 10 sites, but 16, 20, 24 or more. Promising 1Gb of RAM for each. Hoping that not every site will need 1Gb of memory at a time and 10 will be enough for everyone in turn. During peak hours, such sites are very slow and, in general, do not allow you to open the site.


Who is the target audience for each type of web hosting? Shared hosting is typically chosen by those who are just starting out with their website and want an affordable option that requires minimal technical expertise.

As their website grows, they can easily upgrade to a more advanced hosting level. Dedicated hosting is ideal for websites with high traffic and a need for extensive resources. Online stores that use a large number of programs and plugins may benefit from dedicated hosting. VPS provides users with the ability to manage more resources and is more flexible than shared hosting. It can be a suitable option for sites with even low amounts of traffic, especially those with a lot of visual elements that can cause slow loading times.

 Finally, reseller hosting is an opportunity for those who have IT knowledge to create additional income by purchasing server space from a web hosting company, configuring it, and then selling it to their own customers. Those interested in this opportunity should choose the best conditions for themselves.


If you are only hosting your website for the first time, then it makes sense to place yourself on free hosting. So you will master the technology of hosting sites, run it in and learn from your experience the disadvantages of free hosting.


When choosing a hosting for me, first of all, such factors are important - its price and reputation. For myself, I've settled on HyperHost for now, everything suits, convenient and simple

Cody Babcock

You don't have to write an entire treatise to find a hosting service with good value for money. First, you have to decide why you need hosting - you need to understand its goals and meanings. Based on this knowledge, you can understand what configurations you need. Next, select the country where the server will be located - of course, servers in Russia or Asia are cheaper than in the USA or Western Europe. Pay attention also to the response of technical Support. It is best to take a hosting where there is a refund (30 days), if there is no such function, then this is a bad office. In the early days of testing, feedback and check the server for load - this can be achieved by "calls" to the server.


look at convenience of using hosting
The convenience of using hosting consists of several factors. The main ones are:
full range of services (domains, SSL, hosting)
convenience of ordering.
Also online support must be online 24/7

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