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True Cost of Domain Names

Started by Kitty Solam, Oct 26, 2022, 09:12 AM

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Kitty SolamTopic starter

To start with, let's talk about hosting which refers to the dedicated server resources on the network that allow you to host something. Hosting has several advantages over a server, including no need for an administrator and ease of use. On the other hand, a server has cheaper web hosting, can be configured as per your requirements (within the framework of the administrator's qualifications), and offers more available disk space.

Moving on to domains, a domain name is a symbolic name that identifies regions- units of administrative autonomy on the Internet as part of a higher hierarchy of such an area. However, it is important to note that some domain names are reserved for testing and cannot be registered. In order to understand this concept better, you also need to know what a URI and URL are. A URI is a unified (uniform) resource identifier that identifies an abstract or physical resource. A URL, on the other hand, is a subset of the URI that links to a place in the document itself.

Let's break down a full URI address to get a clearer picture. The dot between com and :8080 is the designation of the root of the domain name system. .com is the domain of the first level allocated by ICANN while example is the second-level domain allocated by the registrar who has agreed with ICANN to allocate names in the corresponding zone. AAA is a level 3 domain allocated by the owner of the second-level domain, while BBB is a level 4 domain allocated by the owner of the third-level domain, and CCC is a level 5 domain allocated by the owner of the fourth-level domain.

In terms of port, several clients can be connected to the same server at the same time to different programs running on the server. The data is marked with a special label called "port" to prevent overlap with data of other clients and programs. Finally, a domain is usually understood as a second-level domain zone that uniquely identifies a service on the network.

The cost of a level 2 domain usually starts at $5 and varies slightly depending on the domain name registrar. However, what's most important for the client is domain verification, which links the name to a specific individual or legal entity. It is worth noting that some registrars distribute domains for free, but they may either register them for themselves or leave the domain management to themselves, which can lead to problems if the site is being promoted and the registrar decides to sell the promoted domain to competitors.

When it comes to the benefits of having a second-level domain zone, there are several advantages such as prestige, benefit, and convenience. Not only does it make for a more solid email address, but it also allows the owner to "open up to the world" their website, mail service, messaging, file storage, etc. which can be monetized for profit.

In terms of convenience, a well-designed website can serve as an automation system, passive advertising, and a passive source of customers. While it may take some time for the site to gain traction, it ultimately reduces the labor costs of salespeople and improves the flow of customers. However, it is worth acknowledging that there are many low-quality websites out there, so it is important to find a specialist who can deliver a high-quality site.

Corporate email is another advantage of having your own domain. With corporate email, you have the freedom to choose any beautiful and sonorous name, rather than settling for something less desirable.


It's frustrating to read about the idea of purchasing a domain simply for organizing a VPN or messenger. The truth is, a domain is only necessary for a website and external mail, nothing more. Corporate communications are usually handled through internal mail.

So, what are the benefits of web hosting versus using a server? And what about small organizations that not only need a website, but may also require a terminal server with additional software, virtual machines, and other services? How will web hosting measure up and what will the cost be?


Have you ever wondered why shared hosting services from one provider cost 2-4 times more expensive than typical VPS web services? Additionally, the topic of SEO wasn't mentioned in regards to new sites sharing an IP with upgraded sites, which is actually beneficial for search engine trust.

Most websites are made with the purpose of gaining new customers through search engines, rather than relying on traditional business card marketing. Speaking of which, if someone already has a paper business card, they may already be a client without a website.

This question may seem trivial to programmers, who know the ins and outs of web hosting, but it's important to choose a reliable hosting service to ensure your information can be found.


Having a professional email address that matches your domain name can help create a more credible and trustworthy image for your business. It also allows for better organization and management of emails, as well as the ability to create multiple email accounts for different departments or employees within your company.

Additionally, having your own domain gives you control over your online presence. You are not tied to any specific email provider and can easily switch between different email hosting services if needed.

benefits to having your own domain. Here are a few:

1. Branding: Having a domain that matches your business name or brand helps in creating a consistent and memorable online identity. It allows you to reinforce your brand in all your online communications, including your website, email, and marketing materials.

2. Control and Ownership: When you have your own domain, you have full control and ownership over it. You can choose how it is used, what content is displayed, and how it looks. This gives you the freedom to customize and tailor your online presence according to your business needs.

3. Professionalism: A dedicated domain name adds a level of professionalism to your online presence. It shows that you are serious about your business and have invested in establishing a strong online identity. This can help build trust among potential customers and clients.

4. Flexibility and Scalability: Owning your own domain provides flexibility and scalability for your business. You can easily expand your online presence by adding subdomains or creating new websites within your domain. This allows for future growth and adaptability as your business evolves.

5. SEO Benefits: Having a unique domain name can positively impact your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Search engines tend to favor websites with their own domain names over free subdomains or generic URLs. This can improve your website's visibility and ranking in search results.

Having your own domain also offers the advantage of better branding and brand recognition. A domain name that matches your company's name or brand helps customers easily identify and remember your business. It gives a sense of professionalism and legitimacy, which can positively impact how your business is perceived.

Furthermore, with your own domain, you have the flexibility to create custom subdomains for different purposes. For example, you can have a blog.yourdomain.com for your company blog, store.yourdomain.com for your online store, or support.yourdomain.com for your customer support portal. This allows you to organize and present your website content in a more structured and intuitive way.

Another benefit is that you have control over the security of your emails and website. By using reputable hosting providers and implementing proper security measures, you can protect your sensitive data and customer information. This is especially important if your business deals with sensitive customer information or conducts online transactions.

Lastly, having your own domain gives you the freedom to move your website and email services to different hosting providers if you are not satisfied with the current one. You are not tied to a specific platform or service, and you have the flexibility to make changes as your business grows or your needs evolve.

Overall, owning your own domain provides numerous benefits, including branding, customization, control, security, and flexibility. It is an investment in establishing a professional online presence and building trust with your customers.

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